Page 121 of My Everything

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I picked up the phone, waiting for him to do the same while trying not to grimace at the orange clothes he wore.

“Why?” I asked, skipping the formalities, and couldn’t help but smile. Marc would be proud.

He shook his head. “Why doesn’t matter?”

“It matters to me!” I snapped, then added in a lower voice, “You lied to me. You gave me medicine to make me sick. What father does that?”

This was what I avoided for two months. The confrontation. The truth. If he was even able to tell the truth. And if he did, was I ready to hear it? Mr. X told me. Dom told me. But hearing it from the man who I loved and trusted… could I do it?

“I had no choice, sweetheart.”

The pet name made me cringe, throwing me back to the days with Mr. X. He called me the exact same thing, and now I couldn’t stand hearing it.

“You always have a choice,” I muttered. “You chose to screw me over to save your own ass!”

His eyes grew wide, and I almost laughed.Yeah, I was not some innocent little princess anymore. Spending time in the real world crushed my innocence damn fast. He never heard me speak a bad word, like a perfect little ten-year-old. But I was not ten anymore. And I was far from perfect.

“Watch your language,” he barked. “Haven’t I raised you better than to curse like that?”

I snorted. “You didn’t raise me. You made me a prisoner.” I removed the phone from my ear as he spoke. I didn’t need the excuses and the lies. He was never going to be straight with me. It was his specialty, and not until now did I truly understand the reason for his evasiveness.

“I didn’t come to fight,” I spoke again into the phone, keeping my eyes locked on his through the glass. “I came to tell you, you failed. Yourfriendis dead. And Alex is happy with his boyfriend abroad. And it looks like you’re where you belong.”

His face grew bitter, and I couldn’t help but feel bad. Even after everything he did, even knowing I should hate him, some part of me still wished for this to be a dream. I wanted to wake up, and he’d still be my father.

“What about you?” he asked, studying me through the glass. “You look… fresh.”

I scoffed. “Shouldn’t I be? I’ve recovered from you poisoning me.” I shook my head in disgust, remembering why hating him was the better option. “I guess I should thank you for introducing me to Marc. At least I have him now.”

My father’s scowl made me want to smack him. The disapproval stung, even though his opinion on who I dated shouldn’t matter. Nothing this man said to me should matter. Not anymore.

“Isn’t he too old for you?”

“No, he’s not!” I snapped, hating how one simple question brought back so many doubts and worries I suppressed since we decided to give it a try. Now, I couldn’t see my life without him. I loved him. Everything he was. What did a few extra years mean when he made me the luckiest girl in the world?

“I can’t stop you from seeing him.” My father let out a frustrated laugh. “But be careful. That man has secrets. Dark ones. You don’t want to get involved—”

“I know everything!” I snapped, cutting him off. “I also know how you blackmailed him. How didyoueven know?”

“I have contacts.”

The way he said it made a shiver slither down my spine. It was a threat, no doubt about it. But I hadcontactstoo.

“Nice try.” I gave him a sweet smile. “But it won’t work.”

He raised a dark brow in confusion.

“If something happens to Marc. If anyone even comes around to ask about his past, you’ll wish he didn’t spare your life.”

The confusion grew. After a moment of thinking it through, his expression darkened.

“That’s right. You’re alive because you’re my father. He put you here, but trust me, he wanted to kill you.” I leaned closer. “We havecontactstoo. And they’re not as forgiving as Marc.”

His skin paled visibly as the last piece of the puzzle dawned on him.

“You’re with Dominic.” He shook his head. “Kaylie, you have no idea what that man—” He shot a look at something behind him.

“Time’s up.” A guard appeared at his side.
