Page 59 of My Everything

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“Let’s not wait!” Mr. X snapped me back to the room, making Alex jump too from the sudden volume piercing the heavy silence. My eyes darted to him, then to Mr. X.

“What do you say kids?” He asked, slapping Alex on the shoulder. “The poor girl is sick from nerves, and I’m sure you’re dying for that wedding night.” He laughed at Alex’s horrified expression. “No need to be embarrassed, son. Kaylie is a pretty little thing. Hell, I’d fuck her if she wasn’t yours.”

My eyes widened in horror, and for reason’s I couldn’t explain, I didn’t doubt him.

Alex grinned, and I wanted to cry.

“The wedding is tomorrow.” Mr. X announced. “Get a good night’s sleep. You’ll need it.” He stood, clapping his hands together. “Off you go.”

Alex shot to his feet, rushing out of the room and I stared after him.

“Kaylie?” Mr. X stopped me from getting up. “I’m doing this for you.” He patted my shoulder, letting his hand linger, and his previous words replayed in my mind. I tried not to shudder or pull away from his callused touch.

“I’d prefer to wait,” I whispered. “I—I mean, I need time to prepare, and—”

He squeezed my shoulder, and I couldn’t help but wince at the tight grip. “Don’t worry your pretty little head. I’ll have people take care of everything. All you have to do is say yes.”

I forced myself to look at him, and all I saw was him shoving that gun into Marc’s shoulder and pressing the trigger.

Biting back the bile rising in my throat, I forced a smile. It wasn’t easy, and if Mr. X didn’t pick up on the sham, he’d be blind. “You’re right, I’m nervous,” I breathed. “Excuse me.” I pushed to my feet, away from his hand, away from his sickening grin and out of the room.

I slammed the door to my bedroom shut and leaned back against it.


It was too soon, and I had no way to stop what was coming.

“All you have to do is say yes.”

I’d rather die, taking Alex down with me if he forced me to stand there and pretend to be his. I wasn’t some toy he could play with when it was convenient for him. I refused to be an object. My life was one long line of manipulation, and I refused to go down the same path my father forced me on.

If I went through with this, I’d trade one prison for another. The only difference was now I knew I was the prisoner. I always believed I was the one needing to be protected. That life outside the estate was harmful. That I wasn’t strong enough to handle life.

Pushing off the door, I let determination fuel me. This was my only chance to be free, and I wasn’t going to wait for Alex to save me. I’dmake himsave me.

We left the Uber, and Johnny bought a car at the nearest car dealer. A gray Toyota. Big and strong enough to take us where we needed to go, and common enough to blend right in.

“You must be dying to drive,” Johnny sneered.

I glared at his twisted grin. He knew how right he was. That I couldn’t drive bothered me more than it should, and he had the fucking audacity to rub in in my face.

I took in his relaxed posture, one wrist nonchalantly draped over the wheel, as if he was just there in case the car needed assistance driving itself down the curvy slopes.Fuck him.“Excuse me for wanting to survive this shit,” I muttered.

“You survived two bullets, and you’re scared of my driving?”

I let out a harsh laugh, muttering the wordscaredunder my breath. “I knowyourdriving.” I shot him another look as I said it, catching him glaring back at me. “Just pull over somewhere.”

“No way.” He shot me a glance, and then he sighed. “Want something for that?” He jerked his head toward my cradled arm.

“No,” I muttered. “It’s not that bad.”

He scoffed, “You look like shit. Just take the bloody pills.”

“Thanks.” Sarcasm dripped from my voice, but a ghost of a grin tugged at my lips. “I don’t need it.” I fell silent as the lie burned deep within.I don’t need it?Fuck me.Was it so goddamn hard to ask for help? Or even accept it when it was given? This was Johnny, for God’s sake. What did I have to prove to him?

I sighed, absentmindedly watching the canvas of green and blue swish by with a pang of homesickness making my heart heavy. In the rush of the city, I was no one. While Johnny stole the spotlight, I was just the sidekick. The grumpy bodyguard at his side. I could breathe, hide right in the crowd with no worries or fear of having to share. It was me and my demons. And no one gave a shit. Since Kaylie, everything changed. And without her, it was impossible to go back.

