Page 81 of My Everything

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“Why are you doing this?” I whispered as Johnny, too, was pushed inside. “What do you want with us?”

The guy gave me a once-over before turning two dark eyes on Johnny. “Why do I recognize you?”

Johnny scoffed, and I got the feeling he wasn’t the type who’d use his star status as leverage, even if he could.

“Where’s Marc?” he asked instead. “What did you do to him?”

The guy shot him an annoyed look, then they both turned to leave. Their footsteps disappeared up the stairs, and my hope sunk with each fading step.

We both paced the cell like caged animals, dripping water on the stone floor. Johnny didn’t speak, and from the hard look on his chiseled face, I didn’t dare to break the silence. He must be hating me so much right now, and he had every right.

My thoughts were with Marc, and even though I clung to the hope that this was a just a big misunderstanding, I couldn’t help but picture him locked up in a place just like this, or worse. They had no use for him. He was nothing but a nuisance. Someone to get rid of before he brought on more trouble. They wouldn’t hesitate to kill him, and if it stood betweenthatand torture, I hoped for the former. At least he wouldn’t hurt any longer.

I stopped pacing and squeezed my eyes shut as the images tormented me. Taking some sick comfort in the pain, I let it rage, filling my head with nightmares. If Marc had to go through it, it was only fair I did, too. Stumbling over to the wall, I leaned my forehead against it, letting the cold stone soothe my clammy skin.

I stood like that when footsteps came back down the stairs. Jerking upright, I spun around so fast I almost stumbled and fell.

A man came strolling down the stairs.Dominic. Something in my head whispered. I never saw him. But I didn’t need to. The power he radiated was smoldering. The way his eyes roamed over us made me wish to melt into the wall. His gaze was hard. Cold. Dead. I gulped. He had the same Hispanic features and Mr. X and Alex. Raven-black hair and eyes, and skin that looked like he spent months soaking up the sun. But instead of wearing a suit, as I expected, he was casually dressed in dark sweatpants and a black tank top that showed off muscular arms, covered in tattoos—and sweat.

My eyes flickered over the length of his strong body with one realization clear in my head. He wasnotone of the men in the car. And why was I surprised? He had people for that. For the dirty work. While he… what? Sweated it out in a gym?

He crossed the floor in a few long strides, stopping outside the bars. Then he unlocked the door, walking straight over to me. “Sorry about the rough welcome.” He spun me around, and soon my hands were free, and the cuffs dangled in his tattooed hands. I read the letters on his knuckles.



How encouraging.

“You and your friends are free to go.” He moved over to Johnny, setting him free as well. “But,” he continued, flashing a white smile that looked more predatory than friendly. “You’re welcome to stay. You’ll be stay safe as long as you remain my property.”

Did he forget anonin that sentence? Or was that what we were?Property. I shuddered under his harsh stare.

“Yeah, fuck you,” Johnny snapped, no doubt picking up on the word as well. He brushed past him and toward the stairs. One of Dominic’s hands shot out, abruptly pulling Johnny to a halt. Before I could scream, Dominic had a gun pressed to Johnny’s throat.

“Say that again,” he hissed.

“Wait!” I called out, moving toward them while keeping my eyes on the gun.

“He didn’t mean it,” I breathed. Pinning Johnny with a sharp look, I added, “Let’s hear him out.” My eyes darted to Dominic. “Let him go. Please.”

He chuckled, but nodded, holstering the gun, and stepped away. “We don’t trust anyone,” he explained. “Had to make sure you’re legit.”

“By kidnapping and hurting us?” I couldn't help but ask. “What makes you better than Mr. X?”

Dominic let out a cold laugh. “I’m not taking a risk letting strangers into my home without a background check.Especiallywho claim they come from mybrother.” His voice dripped poison, and the way his features darkened at the mention of Mr. X fed the little hope I clung to. Alex was right. He hated his brother with a passion. I heard it in his voice. Saw it in his eyes. We had a chance.

“Where’s Marc?” Johnny demanded. “The fuck did you do to him?”

“He’s fine. Getting fixed up as we speak.” He must have seen the doubt on my face, because he added, “Listen, I didn’t know he was injured. If I knew, I would have had my people handle things differently.”

I doubted it. He didn’t look like someone who knew the meaning of the wordgentle. Let alone how to treat someone like a human being.

“What do you mean, fixed up?” My distrust made him chuckle and clarify.

“We have our own doctor with us. My twin sister, to be exact. Your friend is in good hands.” He looked us over and added, “You all are. Enemies of my brother is friends of ours.”

If I got a penny for every time I woke up in a strange place and didn’t know where I was, I’d be fucking rich. I looked up at a dark vaulted stone ceiling and tried to focus. My mind was fuzzy, like I woke from a deep sleep. I couldn’t have, though. I never slept like that. I heard every sound, if someone breathed in the room, I heard it. The sensitivity never went away after Julie, and it was both a blessing and a curse. It was like my mind never wanted me to miss a chance, ever again, but it did the opposite. The lack of proper sleep, and constantly being on edge, destroyed me in so many ways.
