Page 83 of My Everything

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I didn’t bother to ask how he seemed to know everything about me. It wasn’t relevant. “Are they safe?”

“Yes, of course.”

His words did nothing to ease the worry. They could be dead for all I knew, and these people could say anything they pleased. Unless I saw for myself—

My thoughts abruptly cut off as two figures appeared in the door.

“Marc!” Kaylie crossed the room in a flash. “I thought the worst.” Her hands were on me, stroking my face before leaning down to kiss me. She straightened just as fast, and I stared up at her, wanting more. Needing more. I fucking craved her mouth on mine. The sweet sample was not enough.

A grin played on those delicious lips. Did she know what I was thinking?

“It’s okay,” she whispered. “I’m okay.”

“So am I, in case you’re wondering,” Johnny muttered from behind her, and my eyes swept to him.

Dominic spoke up, gesturing toward me with a jerk of his head. “Iz, release him, for fuck’s sake.” He turned to Kaylie and Johnny. “I want you all gathered at the circle in an hour.” Darting his eyes back to Izzy, he added, “Can he make it?”

She patted my leg, nodding. “He’ll be as good as new.”


The feeling came back, and it wasn’t until she removed the needles strapped to my arms and allowed me to sit that I truly started to accept it. Those people were no threat. If they were, they’d had plenty of time to eliminate us. Me, especially.

“Be still,” Izzy demanded.

I groaned. It was fucking easier said than done when she moved around me, adjusting the slinged arm to the right position before securing it against my stomach.

“How did you even get here?” she asked, and I couldn’t help but catch the admiration in her voice. “From the way you were patched up, you were in the ER. Did you escape?”

“Of course, I fucking escaped. Those bastards would have killed me if I stayed.”

She laughed, shrugging as if it was nothing new. “You’re a fighter, aren’t you?” She adjusted the sling, then stepped back to admire her work. Orme…

“I don’t think Kaylie will appreciate those dirty looks,” I muttered, and she grinned.

“Sorry, but you’re eye candy.”

I huffed, and she stepped aside. “You’re free to go.”

I stood, trying to pretend the room didn’t sway and spin around me, and that my legs didn’t feel like uncoordinated logs. I gulped. I could do this. I had no fucking choice.

“It’s normal to feel strange. You’ve been heavily medicated. Hell, you still are. If I were a normal doctor, I’d not let you out of this bed.” She grinned, adding, “Lucky for you, I’m not. And you’re needed upstairs.”

“Fucking perfect,” I muttered, and she laughed.

“Don’t take this the wrong way.” She wrapped an arm around my waist to steady me as we walked. “But you look like you need it.”

I couldn’t deny it, but I’d never admit it either. She guided me through the brightly lit medical room and down a dark corridor until a flight of tall stone steps appeared ahead of us. I groaned, already knowing climbing them would be hell.

“Come on, tough guy,” she urged me on. “If you can survive these last weeks, you can do this.”

I shot her a dark look, and she winked.

“If you weren’t already taken…”

I scoffed at her suggestion.

“All the sexy guys are either taken, or gay,” she went on. “You don’t happen to have a brother, or some other Hollywood hunk following you around?”
