Page 86 of My Everything

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He threw her a dark look, and she returned it with a small smile and a shake of her head. He held her gaze. Then he finally returned his attention to Marc.

“I don’t care who or why you killed.”

I whimpered as I had to face to truth. Marc told me about the blackmailing, and I refused to accept my father could do something like that. Now, though, I knew he could do something so much worse.

I glanced up at Marc. It hurt to think of him in that way, too. He was no saint; I knew that by only looking at him. But killing someone… He refused to tell me thehowand thewhy, and I wasnotgoing to let it go.

“Xander and Kaylie’s father have many enemies. Coming after Kaylie was a risky move. You saved her life, Maddox.”

It took a moment to realize he was referring to Mr. X as Xander. That made sense, though. The man clearly had arealname too, and it was only normal his brother used it.

Marc’s eyes flickered to me, and I flashed him a weak smile before returning my gaze to my lap.

Dom directed his attention to Johnny. “What about you?”

Johnny let out a sarcastic laugh. “I’m the distraction.”

“The what?”

“You know he’s a superstar, right?” Izzy addressed her brother, but kept her eyes glued on Johnny. “I can see how he’s a brilliant distraction.”

“Focus,” Dom snapped.

“He needed my help getting out of the hospital, so I helped,” Johnny said with a shrug, and I loved him for the nonchalance. And the willingness to break several laws to help a friend.

“You were never at Bloomsbury?”

He must have read the confusion on Johnny’s face, because he clarified. “My brother’s place.”

“Fuck no!” Johnny exclaimed. “My life’s fucked up as it is. The last thing I need is to get involved with some bloody mob.”

My breath hitched, eyes darting to Dom in alarm. Johnny’s lack of filters would get him killed. Did he forget the man had him at gunpoint just hours ago?

But to my surprise, Dom chuckled instead of biting his head off. “I feel you, man,” he said, then fell silent, furrowing his forehead in thought. “I can’t see a reason anyone would come after you.”

“That’s a relief,” Johnny muttered. “I’d prefer to have my bodyguard come out alive from this too,” he added, drawing a low chuckle from Marc.

“So do we. No one’s dying.”

“Unless it’s Mr. fucking X and his son,” Marc muttered under his breath, earning a look of icy cold approval from Dom.

“Alex is—” I cut myself off. What was I about to say? He was decent? A good guy? He was far from it. But he was also no monster like his father. “He’s just trying to protect himself and his boyfriend,” I said at last. “With a father like that, it can’t be easy being…” I trailed off, frowning at the look coming over Dom’s face.

He shared a look with his sister, and they both grinned.

“What?” I asked, ping-ponging my gaze between them.

“Did you say boyfriend?” Izzy asked.

“He’s gay,” I said. “And I’m freaking grateful.”

The twins again shared confused looks before looking back at me.

“Why’s that?” Izzy asked.

“If he wasn’t, I wouldn’t be here. That nugget of information saved my life.”

“He doesn’t want Xander to know,” Dom thought out loud, and I nodded to confirm.
