Page 9 of My Everything

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Marc looked momentarily confused, then his features darkened. “No.”

“Then what? You can’t just have gone out and murdered some random guy.” A thought struck me, and I gulped. “Or did you?” Was I supposed to fear this man? Was he some sort of psycho dressed up as a bodyguard? Was he really taking me to the meetup my father arranged… or…

“No,” he said again.


“Just drop it!” he snarled. “For fuck’s sake!”

The sudden volume of his voice made me flinch. Clamping my mouth shut, I made a mental note never to mention it again. If he was going to be a dick about it, I didn’t want to hear it. “Sorry I asked,” I mumbled.

He made a short nod, clenching his jaw so tight I believed his bones would snap.

I preferred driving at night. When the roads were less trafficked and the idiots few and far between.

Kaylie fell asleep, and by now I was no longer surprised. The girl slept twenty-four-seven and was still tired. And the gut feeling telling me something was wrong refused to leave me alone. It wasn’t normal. But who was I to complain? At least she wasn’t talking. Or asking questions I didn’t want to answer. This was perfect. Silence and solitude for what felt like an endless row of miles flying by.

It was already Saturday. I had three more days. Three more days having to avoid her fucking curiosity and pretending I didn’t feel her hidden desire. The girl was a crap actress. She had the hots for me, and I would lie if I said I wasn’t tempted by her. But it was never going to happen. What was the damn point? She’d be gone, sooner rather than later. The little twinge of regret somewhere deep inside made me want to curse out loud. She was pretty, sure, but there were thousands of beautiful women in LA. I didn’t need some fucking little princess…

“Can we stop somewhere?” Her sudden voice made me jump.Fuck. What was wrong with me?

“No.” The word came out harsher than intended, and as my eyes darted to her, she glared right back.

“Don’t be such an ass.”

I bit back a grin.

She rolled her eyes, adding in a dry tone, “Please?”

“Fine.” Making a mental note to pull over at the nearest stop, I turned my focus to the road while her fucking eyes stared holes in me. Her gaze was as blue as the ocean, and as fucking deep. The girl was dangerous. One second too long and I risked drowning in her.

A gas station came along faster than I anticipated, and I took the turn in the last minute, making Kaylie yelp from the sudden change of direction.

“You could have warned me!” she breathed, clutching the door as if that could save her from the crash her mind cocked up.

“You’re the one who wanted to stop,” I muttered, pulling up under a blinking red sign sayingBed & Breakfast.My stomach growled at the thought of food, reminding me of the long shift behind the wheel. When was the last time we ate?

I threw my door open and circled the car to get her. She waited inside until I opened her door, and I couldn’t decide if it was some sort of spoiled princess behavior, or if she simply learned the lesson—never take one fucking step without me. “Out.”

She turned those eyes up at me, but stayed put.

“What?” I snapped.

“Are you always thisniceto your clients?” she sneered and pushed herself out of the seat and onto her feet.

Johnny’s face flashed through my mind, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. Kaylie had only seen half of it.

My hand automatically came to rest on her lower back as she walked, and it wasn’t until she pointed it out that I realized what I was doing.

“You always do that, too?”

I let my hand drop. “My clients can usually walk on their own.”

She stopped so suddenly I bumped into her. My hands flew out, catching her upper arms to keep her from toppling over. “For fuck’s—”

“I don’t need you!” she snapped, wriggling out of my grip. “Let me go!”

I did, and she staggered back, only to fall on her ass. The moment of embarrassed confusion on her face had me struggling not to laugh. “I can see that.”
