Page 99 of My Everything

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I snorted, not sure whether I should laugh with her or push her down the nearest stairs the first chance I got.

Marc cleared his throat. “I’m right here, for fuck’s sake,” he muttered. “Keep your eyes to yourself.” He shot her an annoyed glare, and the satisfaction was hard to dismiss.

Izzy quickly became the sister I never had, but the girl had no filters. And no shame. Deep down, I knew she’d never make a move on Marc. I was also pretty sure he wouldn’t let her. But her flirty ways never failed to get under my skin and pushing all the wrong buttons.

“I’ll behave. Promise.” She held my gaze as she said it, and I groaned. I couldn't stay mad at her.

Before I could speak, Dominic cut me to it.

“The son’s in the hospital. Roughed up bad.”

That snapped my attention away from Marc and Izzy. I blinked at Dom across the stone table, trying to follow. “You mean Alex?”

He nodded, and my eyes grew wide.

“Don’t tell me you—”

“What? That I had him beaten?” He raised a dark brow in question.

“Did you?”

He ignored me, making the suspicion grow. Did he? He sure didn’t deny it…

Izzy and Dom shared looks that made me suspect she knew the truth, whether he wanted her to or not. And she seemed to accept it. He looked away, and for some reason,thatwas the action that made it real. My belly clenched with sudden dread. He did do it. Maybe not by his own hands, but he was responsible for whatever happened to Alex. I’d never been surer. Him turning his dark, dead gaze from his sister said so much, surprising me with the action. Was he ashamed? Was he even capable of human feelings like that? He sure as hell didn’t look like it.

“He didn’t deserve that!” I snapped. “Why would—”

Dom’s gaze swung my way, pinning me with a look that froze everything in me and stole my voice. I gulped, but remained silent.

“He can be an asset,” Izzy spoke up, and I sighed, hating to admit that she was right.

“He listens to Kaylie,” Dom said.

Izzy nodded. “This is our chance.”

I looked at Marc, hoping he understood more than I did. His eyes were narrowed, and when he turned those eyes on the twins, I held my breath.

“What exactly are you asking of her?” he asked.

“Smart too,” Izzy grinned, and he scoffed.

“With Kaylie’s—”

“No!” Marc abruptly cut Dominic off, and I stared at him. Did they have some telepathic way of communicating? ‘Cause I didn’t understand a thing. Dom hadn’t finished the sentence, and Marc already bristled.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

They both ignored me.

“He will listen to her. This is our one shot to get—”

“I said no,” Marc snapped. “No fucking way I’ll let her out of my sight.”

My eyes darted to him, then to Dom and Izzy. “Where am I going?” Icy cold dread slid down my spine.

“Nowhere,” Marc growled, slapping a palm on my arm, holding tight as if I was to up and disappear right then and there.

My eyes drifted to his fingers leaving bruises on my skin.
