Page 14 of Deceived

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“If we can’t get information from him until we break this spell, then that’s what we work on doing,” Aksel says. He pivots on his heel and marches out of the room.

Anna steps closer to Ryan, presumably to talk more but I cut her off.

“Let’s go upstairs and talk more.”

“But-” she starts.

“He’s right, we all need to talk this through,” Griffyn says. He tugs on her arm, pulling her behind him as he goes upstairs.

I don’t glance back at Ryan as I leave with Felix, but he does.

When I get upstairs the others are gathered in the kitchen.

“What are we going to do?” Felix asks.

Anna keeps glancing at the door to the basement.

“We need a mage to come and break the spell.” Anna opens her mouth, but Aksel continues before she can say anything. “Don’t say it. We can’t involve Nicoli Ashford in this. If word got back to the council we would be in huge trouble, I don’t trust him.”

“I trust him. He’s certainly more trustworthy than anyone else you would bring into this,” Anna argues.

She’s right, he probably is the best option except for one thing.

“You’re right Anna. The problem is, I don’t think he would be powerful enough. This kind of spell is complicated magic that only a weaver could do. If the mage isn’t a weaver it’ll most likely kill the subject,” I say.

Everyone but Anna looks at me in shock. Do they think I know nothing about magic? Unfortunately for me, I have personal experience with this magic.

Anna looks grateful. Is it because I agreed with her? “Well then, what’s a weaver?” Anna asks.

“A mage who specializes in messing with people’s minds,” I answer.

“How would you know that Blaze?” Felix asks.

Deep breath. Don’t let the memories consume you.

As monotone as possible I say, “I’ve seen it.”

It’s been used on me. To control me. The first thing I did when I got my freedom was get it removed.

My expression must give away more than I want because no one questions me further.

“Does anyone know a weaver?” Anna asks.

I hold my breath, hoping one of them speaks up.

No one does.

Slowly, all eyes turn back to me.

“It won’t come without consequences and I can’t say they’ll be trustworthy or keep our secret,” I say.

Potentially big consequences, but only for me. These four should remain unbothered when my past comes calling.

Anna eyes me warily. “Let’s try to find someone else and only use Blaze’s as a last resort.”

Everyone agrees and starts debating possibilities, allowing me a second to breathe. In through my nose, out through my mouth.

I don’t realize the room has cleared out until softly Anna says, “Blaze, are you okay?”
