Page 49 of Deceived

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He smirks. “I did buy you this dress. It only seems right I enjoy how you move in it.”

He dips me backward, preventing a reply. When he brings me back, our faces are so close they’re almost touching.

“Plus, people talk more freely when they’re dancing. All the better to listen in on them,” he whispers in my ear.

We swing around in silence, both of us listening to our surroundings.

It’s a good thing we do. I catch a piece of conversation.

“Yes, well it is in my basement. You could stop by anytime to see the weav…”

The man dancing with the woman swirls away so we can’t hear them anymore.

“Did you hear that?” I whisper.

Aksel nods his head, moving me closer to them.

“Oh, John, you are so funny!” She throws her head back and laughs.

Damn, I think their conversation is over, but I heard just enough.

As soon as the song ends I pull away from Aksel and rush over to the others. I can feel him right behind me.

Griffyn and Felix are standing by the appetizers, each with a plate.

“This crostini is really good.”

“Guys!” I run up to them grabbing both of their arms.

“What is it, Kitten?” Felix asks.

“We heard something,” I start.

“Not here, we can talk about it at home,” Aksel says.

His eyes are locked across the room on a tall, dark-haired man with perfectly styled hair.

“Who is that?” I whisper to Felix.

“Aksel’s dad, the dark fae elder on the council, Joka.”

The man in question makes his way across the room to us. He gives polite smiles but never stops to engage with someone else.

“Son.” Joka nods, clapping his hand on Aksel’s shoulder before surveying the rest of us.

His eyes briefly stop on me. “Who is this?”

“My mate, councilman Lenoir,” Felix answers.

I don’t jump in with my name even though Felix didn’t give it.

This man radiates hate and disgust. He’s dangerous and I don’t envy Aksel having him as a father.

He moves past me and doesn’t acknowledge Blaze, Felix, and Griffyn with more than a glance.

“Aksel, you need to talk to the Hourks. They’ve been asking about you. Come.”

Aksel dutifully follows as he walks away but I don’t miss the way his hands clench before he quickly releases them.
