Page 75 of Deceived

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The doorbell rings with the takeout. I watch as Aksel pays for the food and brings it inside. The delicious aroma of pizza fills the air.

Before I sit down to dig into my cheese pizza, I grab half of it, put it on a plate, and bring it downstairs. I grab my own plate with the rest.

“What are you doing?” Aksel asks.

I roll my eyes and answer, “Rion deserves pizza too. I’m sharing.”

Of course, all four of them follow me downstairs.

Rion perks up when he sees me but his smile dims when he notices the others.

“What’s up?” He asks.

“I brought you pizza. I’m eating down here with you.”

He perks back up.

Poor guy must be so lonely down here.

“I’ll go get the rest,” Griffyn offers, running upstairs.

I don’t thank him when he comes back down with them, handing it out to the guys.

Aksel looks around the room with contempt but sits on the workout bench with his box.

“What’s your pizza topping of choice? For next time,” Felix says around a mouthful of pizza.

“Not sure,” Rion answers, taking a bite of the cheese. “This is pretty good though.”

Felix’s eyes widen but he doesn’t comment.

Griffyn sits the closest to Rion, looking at me as he does it. I know he’s looking to gain points but this is not enough to fix what’s happened between us.

“How’s your pizza, Anna?” Griffyn asks softly.


It’s delicious but I’m not saying more than that.

He hops up immediately and races upstairs.

I watch Rion’s eyes ping back and forth between us as we interact.

I roll my eyes at him. There’s no way I’m explaining what happened to him.

Griffyn hands me a napkin when he gets back downstairs and I just stare at it.

Damn, why does an act of service like that soften me up? I make sure my face doesn’t show it.

Griffyn also tosses Rion a bag of blood.

Rion nods gratefully, picking up the bag and draining it. My gums ache being so close to the blood. I hop up and move back a few steps. Saliva fills my mouth.

I back into someone who wraps an arm around my waist and offers me their wrist. I don’t hesitate before sinking my fangs in. Sweet, addictive blood that tastes like smoky chocolate floods my taste buds.

A groan rips out of the man behind me. It takes me a second to realize that doesn’t sound like Felix.

I rip my fangs out, stumbling out of his arms. Griffyn is staring back at me with lusty eyes.
