Page 108 of Embraced

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“You know what vampires are but do you know about other supernaturals?” Felix asks menacingly.

The man nods staring Felix in the eye.

“You’re in a room surrounded by deadly supernaturals and you have no fear. Someone has led you wrong about how much danger you’re in.” Felix’s eyes flash gold.

The other guys follow his lead, releasing their powers.

Rion flashes his fangs, Blaze shifts his claws, Aksel releases some of his darkness, and Griffyn’s wings pop out.

Finally, the guy looks scared. He gulps as he looks around at the display of power around him.

“I’m guessing whoever told you that you can face off against supernaturals and win is the same person who gave you this gun.” Blaze holds the gun up and starts inspecting it.

I don’t know enough about guns to do it myself but he releases the bullets. Blaze bares his teeth when he picks up the bullet, examining it.

When he sets it down, I see the red welts on his skin.

“Blaze!” I move over to him.

“It’s fine, Spark, they’re poisoned. Like I expected.”

I kneel in front of the stalker and put the nicest smile I can muster on my face. Time to try some manipulation. We need answers so we can be done with him.

“What’s your name?” I ask.

He smiles back. “Jess.”

“Jess, those bullets are dangerous to me. When you shot me I almost died because of the poison in them. It was really scary.” I pout my lips.

“You weren’t supposed to get hurt my love,” he whispers.

His eyes keep moving around my face and his hands are shaking. Like an addict waiting for another hit.

I turn to the guys. “Is he addicted to my venom? I can’t have fed from him that much.”

Aksel’s eyes widen. “Have you been getting hits of vampire venom from somewhere else?”

Jess’ eyes narrow into slits at Aksel.

I bring his attention back to me. “Is it my venom you need?”

He nods his head fiercely. “Yes, I need you. Please.”

“Answer my question and maybe I can help you. I’m not safe until I know where the poison came from. Where did you get it?”

He stares at me but doesn’t say a word.

“Is it the same place he’s been getting vampire venom?” Aksel whispers so softly, only a supernatural would be able to hear.

I repeat his question. “Is it the same place you’ve been getting vampire venom?”

Slowly Jess nods.

“Where is it? You don’t need venom anymore, I’m here.”

I have to push Griffyn and Felix’s fury out of my mind.

“You’ll give me what I want?” He asks.
