Page 51 of Embraced

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Griffyn positions me perfectly between them and I’m asleep in seconds.



I wake up snuggled between Felix and Griffyn who are both wrapped around me as tight as they can.

Blaze is still missing and I hope by the time I get downstairs, he’s here and I can talk to him.

Both of them wake up when I try to get out of bed and the idiots play rock paper scissors over who gets to shower with me.

Since neither of them asked me, I lock the door instead and have a peaceful shower to myself. I can hear their muttered curses through the door which makes me laugh.

Both of them are sitting in the kitchen when I make it down there. Felix slides a delicious coffee across the counter to me with puppy eyes so I drop a kiss on his head so he knows he’s not in trouble.

Griffyn pulls the same move which doesn’t work on his face so I pinch his nipple instead with a laugh.

I freeze when I realize Blaze is standing in front of the pantry picking something out.

Griffyn nods in Blaze’s direction and starts talking with Felix to distract him so I can talk to Blaze.

I pull Blaze into the walk-in pantry with me and he follows without resistance.

“What happened, Blaze?” I ask, staring into his umber eyes.

He takes a deep breath and sighs. “Nothing, Anna. Please let this go. I don’t want to lie to you but I’m not ready to talk about this.”

Damn it.

I want to respect his wishes so I swallow my concerns and try to smile.

“Okay Blaze, I’ll let this go but please tell me when you’re ready.”

I don’t add that I’m worried about him. He doesn’t need to hear it no matter how much I want to say it.

When he turns I see something purple peek out from under his shirt.

I grab his arm and lift his shirt to see a massive bruise that’s turning purple. His shifter healing is working but this must have been bad originally.

“What is this?” I ask.

“It’s from training.”

I know they all find time throughout the day to train. I’ve joined each of them at some point and seen them spar but they shouldn’t be going that hard at training.

“Well be more careful, I don’t like seeing you hurt,” I say with a soft smile.

Blaze’s entire demeanor shifts and he softens.

“I will, Spark.”

I reach out and grab his hand to give it a little squeeze. Blaze returns it immediately and I feel better.

“I have good news,” Aksel calls.

He’s standing by the island when we exit the pantry. Rion slides past him and pulls out a pan. I’m surprised when he starts cooking some eggs, enough for all of us.

He does something fancy with his wrist when he cracks them open. It takes a few tries but after two eggs he has it down. He’s cracking eggs better than I can.
