Page 16 of Pure Evil

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I am ushered between them, and once again bundled into a black car, making me wonder if I just swapped one bad experience for another one.



Itook the call, and for the first time since meeting Purity, I relax. She’s safe. For now, anyway.

Saint told me they reached her just in time and imagining what would have happened if they were a few minutes later, causes the rage to boil inside me.

“Where is she now?” I growl into the phone and Saint answers, “Sleeping. Locked in the guest suite of the mansion. They drugged her. She should be out for a few hours.”

“Get the doctor. Make sure she’s comfortable.”

I cut the call and feel my blood boiling. Fucking Gabriella. She is making a habit of this little sideline she’s got going on. I warned her not to involve Gold Hawk in the less respectable side of my business. Vulnerable women sold to organizations like the one Mrs. Collins runs. Drugged and exploited and imprisoned in a mansion in the middle of nowhere. Gabriella sells her girls with no ties, and they are never seen again all the time they are useful. I warned her not to risk the legitimate side of my business, and now I am pissed.

I make the call.

“I want you in my office now!”

I cut the call, caressing the ball of rage inside me as I wait to dispose of the woman who is now well past her use by date.

As expected, she knocks on my door inside five minutes and I bark, “Enter.”

I stare with a blank expression as she walks into the room, her hips swaying from side to side and her eyes laden with suggestive intent.

“You called, sir.”


I point to the chair in front of my desk, and she sits, crossing her legs, her skirt revealing she is wearing nothing underneath.

“Did you miss me, Kill?”

She licks her lips and leans forward, her chest bravely trying to stay within the stretched fabric, and I say with cold fury.

“You’re fired. Effectively immediately.”

“I’m sorry.” Her head snaps up in shock and she stares at me with disbelief.

“Clear out your desk. You have five minutes. Security will escort you from the building.”

“Why?” Her eyes fill with tears, and I lean forward and snarl, “Mrs. Collins.”

Her face pales.

“What about her?”

“You ignored my wishes and are still trading with her. You broke loyalty, so you’re out.”

“Just one.” The tears roll down her face as she says pleadingly, “It was just one more. A girl from a backwater hick town who came to me for help. What else was I supposed to do? She will probably thank me.”

“Is that what you believe?”

I shake my head. “You’re a fool, Gabriella. You wasted everything for a quick buck. Now get out.”

“Are you sure about that, Killian?”

She sits a little taller and her eyes flash as I stare at her with a dead expression.
