Page 41 of Pure Evil

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He turns to Gina and smiles.

“We met at the Heath’s summer barbeque. We’ve been inseparable ever since.”

Gina smiles at him fondly, but I can tell how much she hates him when he obviously allows his hand to wander where it shouldn’t among company.

The resignation in her eyes and the way she edges away tells me everything I need to know, and I say loudly, “Thank you, but we must go. The check has been taken care of; we must bid you goodnight.”

Jefferson stands as I take Purity’s hand and pull her from her seat and Saint steps behind me and Pax steps in front, signaling there will be no more conversation.

I guide Purity through the restaurant, sensing the stares of fascination as we pass and ignoring everyone who calls my name. I nod to Pax, and he presses a huge bundle of one hundred bills into the head waiter’s hand.

We make it to the car in seconds and as soon as the door closes, and the car moves away, I say firmly, “What happened in the rest room?”

“Do I really need to spell it out?” She says with amusement, and I turn and fix her with a glare that causes her to sigh. “If you must know, I threw up that rich food. My body obviously hated it as much as my taste buds and I only just got there in time.”

I stare at her in shock, and she says with a slight shake of her head. “Look, I’m sorry. I tried to like it, I really did, but that shell stuff was disgusting and as for the meat, it wasn’t even cooked. I would have asked for my money back.”

“It was steak tartare. Of course, it was hardly cooked.”

I stare at her in disbelief, and she shivers with revulsion.

“I hated it.”

“What do you like then?” I question her, hoping to call her bluff because I’m guessing Purity Sanders doesn’t even know that herself.

“I want a Macburger.”

“Excuse me.”

I’m shocked and she says with excitement. “I saw an ad for it on television one day. Apparently, it’s the best burger in the world and you should have seen the delight on the faces of the people who were eating it. I would give anything for one of those.”

“Anything?” I raise my eyes and she grins.

“At least it looked cooked, and it came with lettuce, tomato and the secret sauce, whatever that is. I’m guessing it’s what makes it the best burger in the world.”

For some reason, all the tension leaves my body and I’m astonished at the deep chuckle that tells me I’m losing my sanity.

Tapping on the partition, I say to Saint. “Head for the drive-in on west street. Purity wants the best burger in the world.”

Saint catches my eye and the twinkle in his tells me he has seen the ads too and as the partition closes, Purity says with excited pleasure. “Really. We can get one. Oh my God, this is amazing. I can’t believe it. Thank you.”

I stare at the delight on her face and the sparkle in her eyes and I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life. I want to gaze at her all night, and I’m even more astonished when she leans forward impulsively and presses a soft kiss on my lips.

“Thank you.” She whispers and then says with a smile, “You are a man of your word. You really are educating me in the pleasures life has to offer. If you told me earlier I would be tasting the best burger in the world tonight, I wouldn’t have believed you? I didn’t even realize it was made here. I knew there was a reason Chicago beckoned me.”

She giggles and I swear every part of me aches right now. She is so innocent. So happy about a fucking dead-beat burger when she has just thrown up the finest meal in Chicago.

I have never met a woman like Purity in my entire life and the more time I spend with her, the more I want. She is fast becoming the light of my day and the pleasure of my nights. The thought of her heading to the guest room tonight is so not going to happen. I want her with me, by my side, where I can touch her, hear her sweet voice and gaze upon her pretty face. She is everything I have been searching for and I can’t believe my luck.

The neon sign appears before us, and Purity grips my hand hard. “There it is. Oh my god, we are really doing this.”


I attempt to put this into perspective.

“Macburger is a chain of fast-food outlets and their statement that…”

I note her trusting eyes and the pleasure on her face and strangely I can’t bring myself to dismiss her excitement with the cold hard facts. So, I just exhale sharply and say with resignation, “Tell them what you want.”
