Page 56 of Pure Evil

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Nonna shows me to a beautiful bedroom decorated in pale blue silk with pretty flowers woven into the paper on the walls. The palest blue silk curtains are fluttering at the open window and the view alone is breath-taking.

“You will prepare for your wedding. I arranged everything.” She says with a slight twinkle in her eye.

“I am very grateful ma… I mean, Nonna.” I say, suddenly a little nervous and she says with a hint of concern. “You are happy about the wedding?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”

Before she can respond, the door opens and I stare in delight as a pretty girl bounds into the room, causing nonna’s smile to almost break its boundaries.

“Serena. Princess.” They hug one another with so much fondness it surprises me. I’ve never seen such a public display of affection before, and I like it. It reminds me how little of it I had in my life until Killian entered it.

The woman turns and before I can react, I am pulled into her arms and she whispers, “You are so pretty, Purity. Welcome to the family. Finally, another female to balance the odds.”

She pulls back and smiles so sweetly it’s infectious and my eyes shine as she whispers, “You will make a beautiful bride.”

“Thank you.”

I don’t know what else to say, which doesn’t matter because she appears happy to speak for all of us.

“So, where are we?” She peers around the room with a critical expression.

“How long do we have?”

“Four hours.” Nonna says with a soft voice.

“Then we must eat.” Serena says with determination and nonna nods in agreement.

“I arranged a meal to be served downstairs. Killian will remain in the main house, and we will assist Purity here in the guest wing.”

Serena nods. “Good. I’m so hungry. We should head there now.”

Nonna moves to the door, and I’m surprised when Serena links her arm in mine. “This is going to be an amazing wedding. Small but amazing.”

We head to another gorgeous room with views over stunning gardens and I note the table is laden with tempting dishes of food.

It’s all a little surreal as I take a seat in a cream velvet-covered chair and a man appears from nowhere and fills my glass with champagne. My heart sinks as I sense another meal I am going to hate.

Nonna takes a seat at the head of the table and Serena sits opposite me, draining her glass, causing her grandmother to say with disapproval. “Serena. Moderation please.”

I try not to giggle at the mischievous wink she throws me before her glass is filled once again and she helps herself to some salad in the middle of the table, encouraging me to do the same.

“So, tell me about you and Kill. I must say, I can’t even imagine him being married. I almost pity you.”

She chuckles softly and nonna says rather sharply, “It appears that Killian has found his perfect match.”

“Really.” Serena’s eyes are wide. “Are you saying the unthinkable has happened, and he is actually marrying someone he loves?”

I stare at her in surprise and shake my head vehemently.

“I think you’ve misunderstood. We are not in love, Serena. We are going to be married and will be husband and wife under the terms of the marriage contract I signed.”

The food stops halfway to Serena’s mouth and then she sets down the fork and glances at her grandmother, who nods with a sad gleam in her eye.

For a moment no word is spoken, and I feel bad that I’ve ruined the easy atmosphere.

Nonna interrupts, saying kindly, “Purity comes from a town called Heaven where marriages are arranged and entered into as a contract. There is no love involved, just duty.”
