Page 98 of Pure Evil

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“That won’t be difficult.”

The two men nod with a grim expression and my grandfather says with a deep sigh.

“Lucas Stevenson.”

We sit up and pay attention, our good mood shifting as we turn our heads to business.

“He is a problem to be dealt with.”

“What do you know?”

I lean forward. Eager to hear the plan because, as sure as I’m sitting here, he has one.

“A man of many secrets and many personalities.”

My grandfather taps his finger on the black leather box on his desk and then opens it reverently, removing a cigar, which he turns over in his hand without lighting it. We know this is his preferred thinking method. Only lighting it when his point has been made.

We watch the cigar turning slowly, almost as if it’s mirroring his mind, and he says slowly, “We must destroy him from within.”

The air is tense and laden with expectation as his eyes glitter with energy. A dark energy that tells us how much he loves this fucking shit.

“Outwardly, he is honorable. The family man who is loved and respected by everyone who knows him and many who don’t. The grave face of justice and a man the government can trust. He has earned a good living at the top of his game, enjoying huge riches as a result of that. His children live an ivy league life, and his wife is the queen of society. They are considered untouchable.”

He laughs with obvious pleasure. “The higher up they are, the harder the landing when they fall.”

He turns the cigar and says in a rough whisper, “Then there is his other life.”

I think both Shade and I lean forward at the same time, like salivating dogs on the end of a leash.

My grandfather grins as he senses our blood lust.

“He has another family. One that lives well but is hidden from view. A mistress if you like, but she is more than that.”

The cigar turns as he says darkly, “She is the love of his life, and their children are the ones he dotes on more than his legitimate ones.”

This is news and yet it doesn’t surprise me. It wouldn’t be the first time a powerful man was hiding another family beneath the rug with all his other dirty secrets.

My grandfather turns to Shade and grins. “The mother, Meredith Powell, is the keeper of all Lucas’s secrets. Mainly his two illegitimate children, Rafferty and Allegra Powell. She married his brother who doesn’t know they aren’t his. The children’s ‘uncle’ dotes on their kids and is protective of them. Lucas particularly adores his daughter because his wife only produced the disappointment that goes by the name Jefferson Stevenson.”

We share a grin because my grandfather is right about Jefferson. He is one huge disappointment who believes he is untouchable. I almost can’t wait to wipe that smug smile off his face.

My grandfather turns to Shade. “It falls on you to use the children to destroy them from within. Discover anything of help to bring them down and Killian–” He turns to me and grins.

“Jefferson is all yours.”

My grandfather reaches for his lighter and leans back, lighting the top of his cigar with a dark gleam in his eyes, the fire reflected in them as he says with a finality to his voice that tells us this meeting is over.

“Tear his family apart one by one and watch the great man fall. Use his secrets against him and discover what he holds over the rest of The Dark Lords. When you have all your information, remove him from life.”

The end of the cigar glows like the ever-burning flames of Hell.

No mercy, no second chances.

Where your sins determine your everlasting fate.

My grandfather is the devil, and we are his loyal demons. We are the Dark Lords, and nothing will ever take that away from us.

Our revenge continues.

* * *
