Page 53 of The Thorn's Kiss

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Ah, so this must be Mrs. Molotov. Gloria had informed me that we were attending his aunt’s event. The older man standing next to her bows. His grey sideburns wrap around the sides of his face, almost swallowing his head whole.

“Why, of course, Mrs Molotov.” I smile.

She returns my smile, and I hide my sigh of relief.Thanks, Gloria, for helping me not mess that one up.This is a private event, attended by invitation only. It would be odd to not know the hostess, and Adam has failed to make any introductions.

“You must be Mr. Molotov, I presume.” I extend my hand toward the older man, and Mrs. Molotov laughs.

“Oh no, my husband passed away many years ago.” She eyes me suspiciously for a moment, looking at me from head to toe. I should know that much about her, but my assumed wealth is enough to rid her of any concerns. “Nevertheless, this is Lord Lexington.” She smiles.

“Pleased to meet you, Ms…?” He bows.

“Ms. Pri… Prudence,” I stutter. My real name might arouse suspicion and confirm that I don’t belong here. “Pleased to make your acquaintance.” I curtsey.

Mrs. Molotov scratches her chin while mouthing, ‘Prudence?’ as she walks away.

“Would you do me the honour of doing the country dance with me?” Lord Lexington asks.

I nod. As soon as we hit the dance floor, he boasts about his wealth and enquire about my dowry. I half-expect him to propose soon, and it’s so bizarre, I laugh aloud. He looks at me horrified as we separate from each other, stepping around the couple next to us.

Clearing my throat, I smile and try to think about what I can say to soothe his ego as we re-join, when I almost trip over myself as I’m ripped out of the line-up and spun around into Adam’s arms.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Gulping,Istareintohis familiar blue eyes. My blood floods the back of my throat, and the air grows stifling as he wraps his arms around my waist. Frowning, I grip his shoulders with sweaty palms. He’s about to threaten me for dancing with someone else, I know it. What was I thinking? It’s impolite to refuse a dance with a guest, introduced by the hostess. I’ve done nothing wrong, but it takes nothing at all to bring the beast out in Adam.

It’s different when he disrespects me in the privacy of his home with people who know what he’s like and those who might be like him. In his house, the madness takes on a sense of sick normalcy. But out here, in public? I fear losing any dignity I might have left if he subjects me to his temper for all these people of merit to witness.

Before captivity, it wouldn’t have mattered much to me what people think of me, especially those in high society who have nothing more to occupy their time but mindless activities, boasting their worth, and gossip. But I’ve been beaten down so much, my self-worth is in the slums. I can get no lower, and the thought of lowliness eats away at me, gnawing at my very soul. It’s like a sinking pit, pulling me deeper and taking my life bit by bit.

Tonight, in this dress and these jewels, dancing in the company of people who think themselves better than everyone else and being allowed to walk amongst them as they regard me as one of their kind, it does something to my self-esteem. My stomach is in knots, and my knees tremble as I wonder whether he might ruin this fantasy for me.

I can’t even think straight but in a slight moment of clarity, my fingers notice the softer jacket he’s wearing and his hair sitting at his neck rather than his shoulders. Did he cut his hair and change his clothes? Perhaps his aunt thought him more pleasing with a cleaner look. Though, I can’t imagine his aunt telling him what to do. And him obeying her? I’d give all my imaginary gold coins to see that.

If his aunt has that amount of power over his actions, she might be willing to help me convince him to let me go and absolve my father of his debt. Does she know that he’s a criminal? How could she not? He has quite the reputation.

“Where have you been all night?” he asks.

I clear my throat and straighten my shoulders, about to remind him that he was the one who parted from me as though he didn’t wish to be seen with me. What was I meant to do? Remain standing where he left me, wondering why on earth he brought me here? Well, I can guess why.

It isn’t surprising in the least that to prevent me from escaping during the night while he attends this obligation, he’d go as far as to tailor an expensive dress and adorn me with fancy jewels, just so I can attend this ball and stay within his sight. Of course, the moment I dance with someone else, he intervenes. My nostrils flare as I press my hands against his chest, tempted to push away from him but knowing if I do, he’ll surely embarrass me. Before I can respond, he speaks again.

“In fact, where have you been all my life?” he asks, brushing a finger across the dainty curls framing my face.

The slight tickle of the hair against my cheek rushes through the bottom of my spine, and I almost lean into his touch. What just happened? My brows drop, and my lips shake. I don’t know how to respond to him. I’m not sure what he’s asking me. But he’s smiling, and it’s far more pleasing than his bark and threats. I latch onto his gentleness like a starved child being handed bread.

My silly heart pounds, and my mind fiddles with the idea that he must have missed me. He must have been across the room thinking about that missed moment in the carriage and those missed nights in the bed, and he’s overcome with the inability to resist me. He’s wrapped around me in a way that’s not befitting the light and vibrant country dance, and my body doesn’t know how to handle itself. It freaks out from his warmth, reacting instinctively to the memory of the heat we’ve shared with each other.

“What do you mean?” I smile at him with trembling lips. My lips go dry, and I dart my tongue out to lick them before biting my lip and blushing in realization that it could have been perceived as an invitation.

“I mean,” he says, spinning me around and flashing that rare and dashing smile at me. “All night, I’ve watched different ladies flutter around the room, but they were like blades of grass that blew in the wind, all beautiful enough and like each other. Yet, you glow amongst them like a patch of white and gold flowers on a cool summer day.”

“All night?” I start and stop myself from reminding him that we just got here. Besides, his attempts at poetry are quite amusing. I’d like to hear more. “Oh, you flatter me.” I blush, lowering my eyes and grinning like a fool.

I can barely bring myself to look at him without feeling as if I’m about to catch fire. He grins in return, and my eyes shoot up, staring into his. He’s laughing with me? His own orbs twinkle, and it unsteadies me as I study him with furrowed brows, pursing my lips.

“That was quite an embarrassing attempt, wasn’t it?” He flinches.
