Page 56 of The Thorn's Kiss

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I drop my head to look at her, clearing my throat. “Yes, I suppose, what I’m most proud of is the business I’ve managed to build,” I say.

“A businessman,” she beams. “How wonderful. What is your business, may I ask?”

I crinkle my brows as my eyes wander around the ballroom. She must already know what it is that I do for business. Is she that sheltered by her family, or is this just some feigned attempt at interest in me? As I’m about to answer her, we join hands behind our backs and step into a spin. We whirl around, once, and in the blur of heads, I spot what looks like Olivia in the back, against a wall, laughing. Craning my neck, I almost miss the next step as we switch hands and spin again. On the second spin, I can see clearly that she’s standing there laughing with someone and sipping on a drink. And that someone is no Lord Lexington.

She’s damn near frolicking with none other than my twin brother Mikael. My blood runs hot. The room glows red. Spoiled, thieving, dratted nitwit who has had everything handed to him. He might get everything he wants, he might have taken the life I could have had all for himself, but that cocksucker won’t take Olivia from me. She’s MINE and mine alone. I own her, and he can go to hell.

The room appears empty as my focus narrows on them. My pumping blood drowns out the romantic symphony, my chest heaves, Ms. Beaumont fades into the background as Olivia and Mikael seem to grow. Sard it all to hell, the Beaumonts, insulting Ms. Beaumont, my deceptive wretch of an aunt, possible violent retaliation… I don’t give a rat’s arse about any of it. Releasing Ms. Beaumont’s arms, I stalk over to the happy couple.

My breathing grows louder the closer I get and as soon as he’s within reach, I launch both arms outward, pulling him off the wall and punching him to the floor. Olivia’s glass and dish crash. She screams, turning around to face me and as our eyes meet, she screams again, louder this time as she backs away, looking between me and Mikael.

“Y-y-y-you.” She trembles, pointing at us. “There’s two of you!” she gasps and gulps.

Mikael groans from the floor and eases himself up to his feet, grinning. “Brother,” he says. “Pleasure to see you too.” He checks his lip for blood. There’s a slight dribble which he licks away.

“Who invited you?!” I yell, ridiculously, since it’s obvious. But I’m not thinking straight. The only reason I agreed to show up to this damn thing was because my aunt promised me he wouldn’t be here.

As if on cue, she comes pushing through the crowd. “What on earth is the matter?” she yells before setting eyes on us. “Oh, so you found each other. Can you two try to get along?!”

“You lied to me!” I accuse.

“Well, of course I did, or you wouldn’t show up. Come on, you’re twins. Surely, there must be something you share that’s special within you…” she says. I groan. “There must be,” she continues. “I was hoping you two would put aside that childish beef and resolve your differences once and for all.”

“I have no desire to resolve anything with this cocksucker,” I yell.

Mikael rolls his eyes. “So dramatic, brother,” he says.

This riles me up thicker and sets my body ablaze. “Olivia, get over here, right this minute!” I point at the spot next to me. She shudders and grimaces but does as she’s told.

“I didn’t know…” she starts.

“Leave the girl alone, Adam,” he mocks. “Look at the way she responds to you. She wants nothing to do with you. I dare say she was having a lot more fun with me. Weren’t you, princess?” he asks her.

I raise my fist at him again. He grins, and I pull back my arm, loading it with everything inside me as I ready myself to throw the heaviest punch I ever have. Olivia jumps in front of me, dodging the fist as it flies past her head. She clutches her chest and struggles to breathe, choking on her words as she speaks.

“Please. I’m sure he didn’t mean any harm. I thought it was you. Please. You’re making a spectacle of yourself,” she whispers.

My eyes almost bulge out of my head. “And who are you to stop me?!” I yell, closing in on her.

Her lips tremble as she looks up at me. Her damn cleavage rises and falls with her terror, and her voice rasps. “I’m s-sorry,” she says.

“First of all, if you think my brother is some saint, think again. He knew exactly who you were and why you’re here. He was just trying once again to take what’s mine!” I glare at him. She scowls at me, and I bite down on my lip, reaching for her hand. “You’re coming with me!” I say, pulling her away.

Mikael has become a small, insignificant problem compared to the way she just disrespected my authority and sought to embarrass me. A prisoner lecturing her captor? She has gone insane. The events of the night seem to have made her forget her place. She needs to be reminded who’s in charge. And I know just the way to do it.

“Where are you taking me?!” she gasps. Her body grows pink as everyone in the room stares at us while she’s pulled through the ballroom, stumbling over the hem of her dress.

“Somewhere private,” I bite out.

“What are you going to do to me?” Her voice shakes.

“Teach you a lesson!” I whip around to stare at her. She gulps.

“Please. I didn’t know I was doing anything wrong,” she starts. I scoff, remaining silent. She huffs and pulls at her wrists. “Well, at least let me walk like a normal person,” she says.

I stop, and she slams into me. “Olivia.” My voice is deep and booming. “Don’t push me,” I warn.

“Please. This is so embarrassing,” she whispers.

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