Page 112 of Agent's Integrity

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“How’s the ship? Everything still intact?” Ethan’s eyes roved over the outside of it, checking for any problems.

Andy nodded. “The repairs have been completed and I have checked all systems. The ship is back to full operating capacity.”

“That’s good.” Ethan turned to look at me, and some of his enthusiasm dissipated. “I guess that means I have to get back to work.”

I took his hand in mine and intertwined our fingers. “Don’t be shy now. I’ll be expecting to hear from you soon, or I’ll think something’s wrong.”

He pulled me in and kissed me. It felt good to kiss him. It had been far too long since I’d had that kind of physical intimacy with someone, and now that I had it, I couldn’t stop craving it. “I’ll call you. As often as I can.”

When he pulled away, I tried to swallow back my sadness. “I’ll hold you to that.”

“You be careful. Just because we’re on Viridis doesn’t mean you’re out of danger.”

I nodded. “I know. I’ve got my team to look after me. I’m not going to take any stupid risks.”

Ethan looked torn, his eyes moving between me and the ship. “Let me know what you find out.”

“I will.” I clasped my hands together to keep from hugging him again. “Be safe out there.”

“Andy will keep me safe.” Ethan tried to smile, but his sadness bled through. He kissed me again, quickly, and without touching me anywhere else. I think we both knew if he did that, we’d be hard pressed to part. “Goodbye,ami.”

“Goodbye, Ethan.”

It was obviously tough for him, but he turned and headed to the ship. I looked over at Andy, who was waiting patiently. “Watch out for him, Andy.”

He gave me what almost seemed to be a perplexed look. “Of course, Agent Carter.”

Ethan waved to me one more time before stepping onto his ship. Once they were inside, I backed up until I was at a safe distance. I waited while the engines fired up and the ship lifted into the air. I stood there and watched until I couldn’t see them anymore.

My chest hurt, and my stomach was twisted up into knots. I hated that he was leaving. I’d grown so accustomed to having him around I couldn’t stand the idea of him being gone, even if it was just for a little while. I took a deep breath and tried to tell myself that everything was going to be okay.

My tablet buzzed, and I pulled it out. I accepted the incoming call with a smile. “You missed me already?”

Ethan smiled bittersweetly. “What can I say? I didn’t think saying goodbye for now would be this hard.”

Knowing that he was having as much trouble as I was helped me feel a little better. “Me either. How’s the ship flying?”

“She’s doing well. I’d say better than before. It does feel good to have my ship back.”

I laughed. “I can imagine. That ship is home for you.”

“Temporary home,” he corrected. Andy said something muffled in the background and Ethan nodded. “I have to go. We’re about to jump into hyperspace and I’ll lose you in the jump.”

“It’s okay. I’m glad you called. I ought to be getting back to work myself.”

“I’m going to miss you, Julia.”

My heart melted a little. “I’m going to miss you too.”

“Until we see each other again.”

I nodded, feeling my chest tighten. “Until then.”

The call cut off and I sighed, putting the tablet away. I turned and headed back to where the cab was still waiting for me. I could do this. Even if I missed him, I was still an independent woman, and everything would be okay. I’d see him again soon. And even though this relationship stuff was new, I had a feeling he was going to be around for a while. That thought made me happy.

As I was climbing into the cab, my tablet went off again. “You can’t call me every second, Ethan, or we’ll never be okay apart,” I muttered as I pulled the tablet back out. But it wasn’t Ethan calling.

I clicked the button hastily. “Paige. What’s going on?”
