Page 65 of Agent's Integrity

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“But is she dirty? You said she knew a mercenary and she’s helping Archuleta. We’ve nothing to fear from her, right?”

“Julia isn’t a dirty cop. Far from it. She’s only doing what she must for survival. She’ll die on Esmuna if anyone finds out she’s a cop.”

“Does she know you’re Goliath?”

“Used to be Goliath. And yes, she does.”

Sosa made an aggravated noise. “Ethan, come on man. Befriending a cop? She can arrest you or use you to get to us. What were you thinking? Part of you not being in the business any more was keeping silent.”

“It’s not like I planned this, Sosa. I couldn’t leave her to die out there.”

“And now?” Sosa shook his head. “You could leave her right now. But you haven’t. Why?”

I closed my eyes, feeling guilty for putting my brothers in jeopardy. “She needs me, Sosa.”

He scoffed. “That’s assuming a lot on your part, brother.”

“You don’t understand. We were meant to cross paths. I’m meant to help her. Or she’s meant to help me. Or both, I don’t know. All I know is it was fate.”

“I didn’t think you believed in fate.”

“I believe in fate, but I believe we still have the choice. Our paths were brought together, and it’s our choice whether or not we continue on the same path. But Sosa, I feel it, deep in my soul, that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. I am choosing to stay here, with her. There’s a reason.”

Sosa sulked, but some of the fire went out of him. “You’ve always felt things more deeply than I have. I understand that, but be careful. She may be youramitulo, but that doesn’t mean you are hers. It doesn’t mean she won’t come for us. We’re your family, E. We’rerinwayo, remember? Brothers.”

The word meant more than just brothers; it meant a bond that went beyond blood. Sosa was more than family to me. He was important to me, just as I was important to him. There wasn’t a soul out there I cared about more than him. At least…there hadn’t been.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. “Rinwayo.I remember.”

“Don’t let a woman, a cop, destroy that.”

My heart felt torn. “Don’t ask me to choose, Sosa.”

“I’m not.” He put his hands up. “I’m not going to ask you anything like that. All I’m asking is for you to be careful. Sure, you may feel this connection to her now, but what about later? What about when this mess is cleaned up and she’s back to being a cop? What happens then?”

No answer came to mind. I dropped my head, feeling depressed. “I believe things will be okay. You don’t understand, Sosa.” My right palm burned, and I pressed my fingers against the tattoo. “My spirit is drawn to her. In ways beyond words.”

Sosa sighed. “Then don’t let her go. But don’t let her destroy your family.”

“I won’t. I promise you.”

“Keep that promise.” He rubbed his head again. “I will do everything I can to help you from here. I’ll let you know if I turn up anything.”

“Thank you.” I pressed my lips together again.This conversation didn’t go the way I planned.

“Be safe, Ethan.”

“You, too.”

I cut the transmission and set the tablet aside. He was right. I knew he was right, but I knew I was right too. Julia was important to me now, but she could destroy my family simply because she was IPF. I wasn’t sure what she was going to do when this was all over with, but she wasn’t a dirty cop. She wouldn’t be bought off, nor dissuaded, if she decided to bring Goliath down. I didn’t know what I would do if she tried.

Even though what Sosa was doing was illegal, he was family. I would stand by him, no matter what. Even if that meant going to jail. Or trying to keep himoutof jail. I would stand by him even if it meant I had to give up Julia. I didn’t want it to come to that, and I would do anything to keep that from happening, but Sosa was my brother, and I would protect him no matter what.

Even if it broke my heart.


