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A microphone was held out for us for the news station to catch our voices.

“Thank you all for coming out today!” Liam said into the microphone loudly, and the crowd quietened. Since there was no sound system, he would have to speak loud for anyone to hear him. “We are so grateful for the support that you’ve shown us in this process. Opening a bakery was the best thing to ever happen to me, because it brought me back to the love of my life. And today, we open the coffee shop that compliments the bakery perfectly.”

Liam looked at me and I continued. “We can’t believe the amount of love and support you’ve shown both of us in this journey, and I’m so excited that we’re finally here! Who’s ready for us to cut this ribbon?” I couldn’t wait any longer, and any grand speech that I thought I would give was completely gone. Someone from the side handed me the massive scissors, and I offered one side to Liam.

He shook his head, whispering, “I want you to do it.” I frowned slightly at him, wondering why he wouldn’t hold the scissors. After all, this was technically his coffee shop that we were opening.

I turned to the ribbon, making a show of opening the scissors. The crowd started chanting a countdown from ten and I bounced on my heels, so excited to do this cutting.

After they yelled at one, I snipped the ribbon with the scissors. The crowd went absolutely insane. They were screaming and shouting and cheering and videoing on their phones. It was a bit much for a ribbon cutting, but I guessed they just really loved this moment.

It took me a second to register that people were also pointing, but it wasn’t because of the ribbon. Confused, I turned around and my heart stopped beating.

On one knee, Liam knelt in his navy blue suit with a velvet box open in his hands. Immediately, I started crying, breaking the promise I had made to myself. But this was a massive exception, and something I was not expecting to happen today.

“Emma,” Liam started, and his voice was shaky. The crowd was still cheering, but all of the noise drowned out as I listened to Liam. My hand was covering my mouth to hold in the sobs that were threatening to make an ugly debut. “This is something I wish I could have done eight years ago. I loved you then, and I love you even more now. You are the sunshine that my life has always needed, and I don’t want to live a single second of my life if you’re not in it. Thank you for opening an incredibly pink bakery next to mine, because you changed my life. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

The sobs were unstoppable now, and tears streaked down my face at a record pace. I gathered just enough breath to yell out, “Yes!”

Liam stood, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in for a kiss. The cheers grew louder then. Pulling back, Liam grabbed the ring and slid it onto my finger. It was a beautiful, and quite large pink princess-cut diamond. It was perfect.

I turned back to the crowd to show off the ring, and another surprise punched me in the gut. There at the front of the crowd, was my entire family and Liam’s. They were all clapping and cheering, and my sisters were crying.

I turned back to Liam, shocked that he pulled all of this out while I was clueless. He gave me a cocky smirk and pulled me in for another kiss.

“I love you,” I said to him, my vision so blurry from how hard I was still crying.

“I love you so much, Emma. Ready to open our store?”

* * *

The End
