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"Are you cooking?" She asked, trying to peer around me into the kitchen, but I stepped in front of her, grabbing her by her arms.

"Ah-ah. Go sit down in there, and I'll bring it to you when it's ready." I pushed her towards the dining table.

"How long have you been home?" She asked, still walking to the table but staring at me over her shoulder.

"Not too long," I grinned, knowing how much she would love that I'd made her dinner.

The timer on my watch went off, and I knew everything was ready. I pulled the salads I'd already made from the fridge and took them to the table, where the places were already set. Then I grabbed our two plates and told her I'd be right back. Pulling out the Dutch oven, I spooned out servings of the chicken and rice for each of us, adding the vegetables to the plates as well before returning to her.

"What's all of this?" She asked me, smiling as I placed the plate in front of her. "You've been cooking for a while!"

"I just wanted to do something special for you, baby," I told her the partial truth. But even if I wasn't planning what I was, I would still gladly make her this meal and spend the same amount of time or more on it. Just for her. Always for her. "It's a new recipe."

We both cut into the chicken that was covered in a creamy sauce. I watched as she lifted the bite to her mouth, taking it between her lips.

Her eyes went wide as she chewed, locked on me. I didn't even have to try the food to know it was good.

"Landon! This is amazing! What is it?" She asked, and I couldn't help but snicker to myself.

"It's just Tuscan chicken." I shrugged, like it wasn't a big deal.

We ate and talked as normal, and I was getting more anxious by the second. I wanted so badly for us to move to the living room for the movie that I thought I might throw up.

Finally, we both finished dinner, and I took all of the dishes back to the kitchen and set them in the sink before grabbing the snack tray from the fridge and taking it to the living room.

"Come here, baby," I called to her, and she rounded the couch to sit by me. Belle didn't waste a second reaching for the chips and salsa. I didn't blame her.

"I'm so excited for this movie," she said, grinning at me as she pulled the salsa closer to her.

"Me too," I said, though I knew I wasn't concerned about the movie in the slightest.

I started the movie, planning on waiting for the ending. But ten minutes in, I realized that I couldn't. I paused the movie, pushing the blanket off of me and getting off of the couch.

"What are you—" Belle stopped when she saw me reach into my pocket and pull out a ring box, lowering myself to a knee in front of her. Her breath caught in her throat, and already, I saw tears in her eyes.

"Isabella Sterling, I can't wait another day, not even another second, to ask you. I have loved you for so long and have had the pleasure of knowing you, living with you, and being your best friend. These past eight months, I've had the privilege of calling myself your boyfriend, but that isn't enough for me. I need more. I need you to be by my side for the rest of my life, through whatever may come our way. I promise to love you always and drive two hours to get your favorite salsa, to watch every space movie with you from now until we die. Please, do me the honor and be my wife. Nothing could make me happier. I love you more than words could ever describe. Will you marry me?" I opened the box, revealing a beautiful solitaire diamond ring. One that I'd had for a month now.

My heart was beating like a drum in my chest as I watched Belle's face transform into pure bliss, tears rolling down her cheeks. Then she flung herself on me, knocking me backward as she embraced me.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! I love you so much!"

The End.
