Page 59 of Aidan

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It’s beenhours since our wedding. I’ve checked on the boys several times. Neither have left Kellen’s room and they’d been subdued with each visit. I brought them something to eat earlier since we missed the reception. Same with Sorcha and Aisling, although I left it on a tray outside Aisling’s room, knocked on the door, and walked away. As much as it’s killing me, I’m giving Sorcha a little space. The expression on her face when she refused to talk to me will haunt me. I’m losing her. I feel it in my soul.

Da, Cian, and Finn should be here any minute They spent this entire time dealing with the Gardaí and news reporters. It’s been on television half the day. The door to Da’s office opens and he strides in with my brothers trailing behind. They haven’t even had a chance to get cleaned up. Right behind them is Nathan and Roarke. It doesn’t surprise me that we’re having a meeting. What does surprise me is the fact Liam—whose arm is in a sling—brings up the rear. What the fuck is he doing here?

“Everyone take a seat.” Behind his desk, Da gestures at the various chairs laid out around the room.

I remain in mine near the bookshelf, while Cian takes his usual near Da’s desk, Finn and Roarke sit near the sliding glass door like always, and Nathan sits on the sofa. Campbell remains stiff and standing near the door. From the expression on his face he’d rather be anywhere but here. Da glares at him, but Liam only glares back almost daring Da to say something.

Giving up arguing, Da sits in his own chair and glances at me. “Before we get started, how are the kids? Sorcha?”

I’m not keen on airing my personal business in front of Campbell, but it’s clear he’s not going anywhere. “The boys have been pretty quiet, but they seem to be handling everything as well as can be expected. I haven’t seen Sorcha or Aisling since we returned home. My wife is avoiding me. She’s freaked out. Pissed. Terrified. Everything you’d expect from someone who nearly died or whose children could have.”

Da grimaces and sympathy lines his face. “I’m sorry. Today’s attack took us all by surprise, even though it shouldn’t have. I take the blame for it. I knew Naji has been threatening revenge against us. We’ve been watching him, but apparently not close enough.”

“You’re not entirely to blame.” I turn from him and pierce Liam with a hate-filled glare. “You’re the one who’s allowed the Moroccans to smuggle weapons in through the port. If you weren’t such a cunt, and cut off our own weapon supply, or at least not allowedour enemiesto import them, then maybe this wouldn’t have happened. Even yourDadidn’t deal with the Moroccans.”

Campbell’s face reddens and his fist clenches at his side. If he had a gun in his hand, he’d shoot me without hesitation. Calling Dónal Sheehan his Da triggers Liam’s rage more than anything else. No one in the room contradicts my claim though. Everyone here, Liam included, knows I’m right.

“Regardless of whose fault it is or isn’t, Ayman Naji has increased his weapon’s stores over the last few months and after today, we know that he will continue seeking his revenge,” Cian says. “His men confirmed it before they got away. This has been a declaration of war and we need all the soldiers we can get. Which is why Liam is here.”

I stare at my brother. He can’t be serious. I glance around the room. No one’s surprised by this announcement. My gaze shifts to Da. “You’re fucking kidding, right? For the last two months, this bastard has done everything he can to undermine our organization. Before that, he was bent on destroying it. Now we’re suddenly supposed to trust him. Maybe he’s working with Naji. I wouldn’t put it past him. He can cast all the blame on them for killing us all so Imogen won’t discover what a piece of shite he is.”

“I’ll kill you myself,” Liam charges me with a roar.

I jump to my feet and surge forward to meet him head-on. Roarke and Cian burst from their seats to hold both of us back. I jab my finger in Campbell’s direction over Cian’s shoulder, not breaking eye contact with him.

“If you would have just let me pay off Sorcha’s loan, she wouldn’t have been hurt today. You’re to fucking blame for this.” Spittle flies from my mouth.

“I did you a favor,” Liam growls and then, one-handed, pushes Roarke away. “Get off me.”

“A favor?” I lunge again, but Cian’s body weight restrains me. “My wife could have died because of you. Imogen, too. Or maybe you don’t care about that.”

He goes rigid and for a second I’m sure he’s about to rush me for a second time. Instead, he remains where he is, his death glare searing into me as he straightens his suit jacket as best he can. He grimaces. “Fuck you.”

The raging storm inside me calms by a fraction and I stop trying to barrel past Cian. He slowly loosens his hold on me.

“Look at me,” he demands.

I glare at Campbell another second and then move my gaze to my brother. He grabs both sides of my head and gets in my face. “He owes us a life debt.”


Cian must see the question in my eyes. “I’m the one who shot the man holding Imogen. He was going to kill her.”

A sick sense of glee rises up inside me. My lips twitch. God, it must be killing Campbell to know that he owes Cian—our family—a life debt. Serves the bastard right. It doesn’t mean I’ll ever forgive him for putting Sorcha and the kids in danger in the first place. But at least Liam’s getting what’s been coming to him. Cian’s grip on my head tightens and he gently shakes it bringing me back to him. I nod and he slowly releases me.

He steps away and we both return to our seats. Roarke’s already seated. I don’t stop glaring at Liam though.Prick.

Da clears his throat. “Now that we’ve all settled down, we need to get back to business. Liam will be buying up the other two small shipping companies that operate at the docks so we have complete control over every shipment that comes in or goes out. Nathan will be reaching out to our German suppliers and all imports will resume. For the time being, we also plan on taking a financial cut and purchasing our cargo at a slightly higher price than they’re selling to the Moroccans.”

His gaze travels over us emphasizing his point. “Nathan is also going to reach out to both Emilio and Jack and arrange a…meeting with their contacts in the States to discuss an acquisitions deal with any of them. If the Moroccans want a war, then we will give them one.”

“In the meantime,” Finn adds, “we’re going to borrow Imogen’s hacking skills to get all the information we can on Ayman Naji. Bank records. Real estate holdings. We’ll find all the Moroccan’s hideouts and take them out one by one, drilling away at their defenses until they have none left.”

Da rises. “Everyone get some rest. We’ll meet at the casino tomorrow night at midnight.”

He’s barely finished speaking when Liam whips around and marches out of the office. Moments later the front door slams shut.

“Prick,” I spit.
