Page 47 of Second Chances

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Liam shrugged. “Maybe it’s true, but I think Tracy has some doubts.”

“Okay, but this doesn’t explain why you disappeared on me for hours.”

He rubbed the back of his neck and turned away. This wasn’t good if he couldn’t meet my eyes.

“The thing is, back when we were neighbors, she figured out that I was attracted to you. I tried to brush it off and ignore how I felt, but I couldn’t help it.” He sat back down. “And she told me today that I was no better than Darren. No better than she was because even if I didn’t cheat, I wanted you. I think that made her jealous back then, and I think that’s why she slept with Darren. As some sort of revenge.”

I sat next to Liam. “So, you disappeared because Tracy made you feel like the two of them cheating was your fault? Or she made you feel guilty because you were attracted to me back then?”

He shrugged. “Both, I suppose.”

I fell back against the couch. “Wow. That’s a lot to process.”


I put my hand up. “Give me a minute to think.”

Liam closed his mouth.

I went over everything we’d just talked about and looked up at Liam.

“So, in no way is what happened between Tracy and Darren your fault. They are two adults who made their own decisions. No one had a gun to their heads to make them have sex. They chose to. Also, while I was hurt at the time, I am so glad that I’m not with Darren anymore. Lastly, you are a hundred times better than those two. Even if you were attracted to me, not once did you act on it. I don’t even remember you flirting with me. You were the perfect neighbor and friend, and you’re right; Tracy is a bitch. Planting that shit in your head.” I scooted forward and took Liam’s hands. “I love you, and please don’t let her ruin what we have together.”

A slow smile spread across his lips. “I love you too.”

I had to stop myself from jumping up and down in a ridiculous victory dance because Liam Stevens loved me.

Instead, I kissed him. “Want to hear a secret?”

He smiled against my lips. “Always.”

“I had a massive crush on you, too, back then.”

Liam pulled back, his face full of awe. “No shit?”

I laughed. “Yes, shit.”

“I had no idea.”

“I made sure you didn’t.” I pulled him toward me. “So, see, if you’re a bad guy for liking me, then I’m a bad girl for liking you.”

“Hmm. You know what happens to bad girls, don’t you?”


“They get taken to the bedroom.”

I wiggled my eyebrows. “I can’t wait.”




“Don’t get out yet. I’ll come over to you,” Liam said from the driver’s side.

