Page 27 of Wife Project

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By Monday morning,Rufus has found my orgasm limits a few times, and he’s so good about letting me sleep once I’m properly exhausted.

But I don’t sleep in on Monday. Whereas on Saturday and Sunday, he was the first one up and the one to treat me to coffee and breakfast in bed, today I’m the first to wake.

I slide out from under his heavy arm, pull on a dress shirt of his hanging on a hook, and pad my way to the kitchen before I text my roommate another update.

I’ll probably be home at lunchtime, but only to pack a bag. We’re going on an adventure.

She texts me back a rubber ducky emoji, which is how we call each other a lucky duck.

I send her a heart, and then set out trying to figure out his high-end coffee maker.

The first espresso has just finished brewing when he stalks into the kitchen. “Can you not sleep?”

I smile to myself at his overprotective nature. “I’m excited and nervous for today, that’s all.”

“Don’t be nervous.” He pulls me hard against his chest. “Like you in my shirt, though.”

I squirm in pleasure. “It’s not a bad nervous.”

“Okay.” He kisses my hair, then tips my face up to give me a proper good morning kiss instead.

* * *

An hour and a half—andtwo orgasms, both mine—later, we arrive at the office.

Everything looks exactly as we left it on Friday, but nothing is the same.

I sit at my desk. Today is the last day I will sit here, so I focus on the tasks we’ve discussed I should do—copying our personal projects to an external cloud storage system. Backing them up on an SD card, too.

Changing my address in the HR system to Rufus’s loft, so they can forward any correspondence there.

And then giving the company my formal notice.

It all takes eighteen minutes.

When I’m done, I stand, check that I haven’t left anything personal in the desk, and then push open the door to Rufus’s office.

He’s bent over his computer, still typing.

I skirt around behind him and read over his shoulder. He has some correspondence with his lawyers open in one window, and he’s writing an email to Andrew in another.

I drop a kiss to the back of his neck.

He writes two more lines, then hits send. And immediately hauls me into his lap. “Ah, you feel good,” he says on a rough exhale. He presses his forehead to mine, and I cup his face in my hands. “It’s done.”

“Good job, Mister.” I kiss him softly. “Should we go now?”

“We need to find new offices, don’t we?” He squeezes my ass. “Can’t start our new firm at the loft. We’d never get any work done.”

“Like you aren’t going to fuck me silly at the new office,” I tease.

He laughs, low and knowing. “I’m tempted to fuck you right here. Did you lock the door?”

“Nope.” I push up, to go and do that, but he holds on tight.

“Hang on a second.” He smoothes a strand of my hair off my cheek. “I want to tell you how happy I am to do this with you. The business shift, I mean. We’re going to to do amazing things, Clover Armstrong.”
