Page 14 of A Dragon's Curse

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“But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to find.” He glanced behind us in the direction of said forest. “We’ve all heard the stories about the dark magic in those trees. As we grew older, we’d assumed the tales to be lies, but what if they weren’t?”

“What are you saying, Lykem?” I’d thought the dark forest was something more as well, but filled with magic? How could nobody have done anything about that all these years?

“When I’ve been in there, I get this sense we’re missing something right in front of our faces,” he answered. “Like there’s a realm within our realm that we can’t see, but if you’re really looking, there are low vibrations that prove something or somewhere is out there.”

If Dawsyn was hidden within another realm, I wasn’t sure how I would ever find her, but that didn’t mean I was going to give up.

“I’m going to head there,” I said, turning away from my friend. “You don’t have to come with me. I know you have people to protect, but I can’t give up on my mate.”

He stepped to my side. “You’re my oldest friend and the only person I can consider family any longer. I’m not letting you do this on your own.”

My chest ripped further open at his words. I wasn’t sure how he wasn’t losing his shit, but I’d take his steadfast support.

Anything to get me back to Dawsyn.

“Let’s go then.”



Two days had passed since I’d been brought into the dungeon of the underground bunker. Silence had been my only companion. Well, that and darkness.

Am I not company enough?my wolf retorted.

You know what I meant.

Yes, I’d had my wolf and my wolf had me, but given I mostly considered us one in the same, we were truly alone here.

I was trying to be grateful that Knox wasn’t trying to get me to be his mate in the many other ways I’d envisioned, but it was hard not to be frustrated.

He’d seemed so hell bent on taking me, yet wanted nothing to do with me. None of it made sense.

He’s trying to break you, my wolf said.He’ll come for you when you’re at your weakest and can’t tell him no.

Like hell was I going to let him get his way. I had come here on my own—sort of—and I was going to leave on my own.

The only positive was that the cell I was being kept in had warmed several degrees since our arrival, so I didn’t have to remain in wolf form the whole time.

I laid on the mattress, staring into the nothingness around me, wishing I could hear even the drip-drop of a leaky faucet at this point.

My hands folded over my stomach, ignoring the grumbles of hunger beneath them, and I closed my eyes, wishing for sleep to pass the time by.

It wasn’t long after that when my eyes popped open, as if a bubble around me had burst.

I was out of the bed and on my feet with my hands out in the blink of an eye.

A woman’s laugh echoed in the darkness. “Brave girl. You’re ready to fight what you do not know.”

“Traitorous grandmother,” I quipped in return. “You chose the wrong grandson.”

I could hear her snarl, but still couldn’t see her. “You know nothing about what I’ve chosen.”

At least I had my confirmation that she was the Nannio Cillian had spoken about before, even if Knox had tried to deny it previously.

“That might be true, but I’ve come to know Cillian and he never would have done this to his family.”

“We’ll see about that,” she muttered. “Take this.”
