Page 51 of A Dragon's Curse

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As much as I needed to shift, I wasn’t going to put anyone else in danger to do so.

He nodded. “There are other dragons still out there, flying around to keep watch. I’ll shift and make sure they know what we’re doing.”

My hands reached up, and I grabbed his face, bringing him closer to me. “We’re going to be okay.”

His jaw was still riddled with tension. “I know.”

I didn’t believe that he did know, but I let it slide. I might have been captured and forced to bond with his brother, but Cillian had lost his mate, found out his grandmother was a traitor, came home to his world burning, and then nearly lost his oldest friend.

He could have this moment of despair.

You’re ready to run, I assume?I asked my wolf.

More than.

As soon as Cillian had taken two steps away, I let the shift come over me. Energy simmered deep inside my bones and through my veins.

We’re stronger, I pointed out.

We are. We’re tapping into new energy here.

Like Luna Marked energy?

We briefly discussed this before, but she’d said it was different. Though, I didn’t know where else we’d get more powers from if not the Moon Goddess.

Not Luna Marked, but it is a gift from our creator.

Well, at least I’d been on the right track with my thoughts.

She ended the conversation and trotted over to Cillian. Our head pressed against his stomach, and when his hands sank into our fur, a rumble of contentment echoed around us.

He bent down and pressed his head to ours. “It’s nice to meet you under less stressful circumstances.”

He really is perfect, my wolf cooed.

I wasn’t surprised to see her swoon over him. She’d wanted this man the moment we’d sensed him.

Our wolf body wrapped around him, tail sliding across his back as we snuggled in.

The longer we stayed like this, the less tension I could sense from Cillian, but there was also a deeply rooted feeling of needing to run and get the hell out of there that I couldn’t ignore for long.

We need to go, I reminded my wolf.

Before she backed away from him, she licked his face, making not only me laugh, but Cillian too.

“Time to run?” he asked, and we yipped in response. “I’ll be right above you.”

We waited until Cillian backed up and shifted. Once he was ready, all the energy we’d been forced to keep bundled up was pulsing along our skin and ready to burst free.

Run, I encouraged her, and without waiting another second, we were practically flying over the forest floor toward the portal.



It was the middle of the night and freezing when we exited the portal into Earth. After making sure my renewed cloaking spell was fully intact, we stepped onto the icy snow. Dawsyn’s nails dug into my arm when she almost slipped.

“And here I’d thought I was adjusting nicely to the cold after hanging around your mountain,” she joked through a full-body shudder.
