Page 12 of Ruthless Truths

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Jaxon’s expression turns serious as he raises an intriguing possibility. “What if Moretti was trying to prevent the bill from passing? He might have orchestrated the senator’s death to create chaos.”

I raise a brow. “Why would you say that?”

“Because these are scenarios you pay me to consider.” The cocky smirk on his face is nothing I can argue with.

While I don’t appreciate when Jaxon questions my motives, like with Olivia, he is the person I trust most to make me consider all aspects of a decision, even if he doesn’t always do that for himself.

He gestures around the room. “You’ve always been more powerful than Moretti. Yes, he’s been amicable with our boundaries, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been plotting. No alliance is set in stone, Luc. You know this better than anyone.”

That I do. Unfortunately, my father didn’t, and I’ve learned from his mistakes since taking over more than a decade ago.

Titan Moretti wouldn’t be the first idiot to come against my family, but there’s a reason that Monroe Investments is the wealthiest corporation on the West Coast—maybe even the United States.

People don’t fuck with us and get away with it.

“We need to tread carefully,” I say. “Let’s gather more information before jumping to conclusions. Assign Markus and Damon to discreetly find intel about Moretti’s involvement. I don’t want to provoke conflict if there are other factors at play. But also, be ready. I’m not afraid of this escalating quickly.”

When I’d arrived in the alleyway last night, McAdams was already dead, and it was less than a minute later that Olivia walked out. I’ll need to put a call into Titan to see why his men were even there. Though, he’ll expect an update on Olivia, and I’m not going to give him one. At least not the one he wants.

An idea hits me square in the chest. One that just may be exactly what I need to keep Moretti in check.

“Titan won’t act drastically, though,” I add with a smirk. “We have the woman. There’s a reason he wants her dead. She’s not a liability. She’s awitness.”

Jaxon lips flatten. “A witness that has seen a lot here already. Too much, in fact. But that’s the least of our problems when it comes to your guest. Have you done anything about her absence from the world? Unless you already know that nobody will miss her, we should probably do something to prevent people from searching for her.”

Fuck. How could I have overlooked such a crucial detail? The reminder that this woman has begun to fester within my mind irritates me to no end.

“Damon should have taken care of retrieving her belongings when he handled the scene,” I reply, regaining my composure and pushing aside my continued frustration. “Tell Justine to reply to any new messages on Olivia’s behalf, at least until she becomes more compliant. Justine can earn the woman’s trust and get her to do what we want. Either that, or I’ll make her see reason.”

The image of pinning Olivia against the wall, showing her the darkness I’m capable of with just one look, is much too appealing to act on just yet. For now, Jaxon’s girlfriend Justine can be of use.

He prepares to leave, rising from his seat. “Want me to have her bring food to Olivia as well?”

My fingers push together, steepling in front of me. I want to tell him no, but this could be better. My absence should help Olivia understand that she doesn’t hold any power and that I’m not going to be the man who rescues her from that cell.

No, when I choose to set her free, she’ll be mine to command, a mere pawn in the world I’ve spent my entire life constructing.

Though, even as I think the words, it’s as if a knife twists in my chest. The idea of reducing this particular woman to nothing more than property causes a momentary unease within me that I’m not accustomed to.

That knowledge gives me my final answer. “Yes, but,” my gaze levels on him, “make sure Justine understands that Olivia isn’t to be released for any reason. Not to piss or shit or see the sun. If she disobeys—”

“Understood, Boss,” Jaxon cuts in, his voice laced with the unwavering loyalty I’ve always known from him. “Justine’s been here a few months now. She knows the rules, and she hasn’t pushed a single boundary in that time.”

No, she hasn’t. Another thing that has surprised me as of late.

“Make sure Olivia has breakfast and dinner,” I add. “No lunch. I won’t be back until tonight after I’ve appeased the board members that the Senator’s death doesn’t pose a threat to Monroe Investments.”

Not only do I intend to do that, but I also hope to rid my mind of the image of Olivia’s creamy skin and fuckable lips.

At least until she’s compliant in more ways than one. It hasn’t gone unnoticed that she’s just as affected by my presence, if not more, as I am to hers. Though, she might also be as stubborn, but I’m prepared for that. Whatever game we end up playing, I don’t intend on losing.

This raven is mine to cage. Her fate was decided the moment she stepped into the alleyway.

Maybe even before that.


