Page 46 of Ruthless Truths

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Her question catches me off guard. It’s just a single word, but no one has ever asked me why I’ve chosen to build my empire with two distinct lifestyles.

I’m not even sure I know, or that I want to know. It’s just what I’ve done.

“Because I can,” is all I say as I reach into my pocket. “I need to go, but I have something for you.”

I hand her the phone she dropped in the alleyway and hasn’t been able to have back since.

She blinks several times, clearly taken aback. “I can use this on my own?”

“Yes,” I say pointedly. “I’m trusting you to know what you shouldn’t say to anyone who asks where you’ve been. Make up whatever you want to appease your friends. You can even tell them the mysterious billionaire who bid on you has kept you away. Just maybe leave out the underground cell.”

I know enough about women that if Olivia tells her friends she’s been holed up with a man, they’ll ask a lot less questions. Which I’d prefer. At least now she won’t have to lie about having the best orgasm of her life. I don’t need her to confirm that with words to know it’s the truth.

Her lips thin as she rolls her eyes. “But the underground cell is the best part.”

The sarcasm is clear in her tone, yet I still feel the need to taunt her. Reaching around her back, I jerk her forward until she’s flush against my hard body. “I would have thought our time in the shower held that title.”

Olivia’s cheeks turn crimson, and she licks her lips, leaning closer, but I don’t have time to indulge her lingering needs. I release her and step back. “I’ll be back later.”

Without waiting for her response, I walk out of the bedroom only to hear her call after me.

“Bastard,” she seethes.

I smirk, even though she can no longer see me. “You may not admit it, but you wouldn’t want me any other way, Raven.”

I’m out the door and locking it behind me before she can retort. The day had been challenging before I returned home, and it’s unlikely to end on a positive note by spending the rest of the afternoon in the office. Yet, the grin on my face persists until I step out of the elevator into the parking garage.

Damon is waiting for me by the SUV, my driver for the remainder of the day since Jaxon requested the evening off.

“Ready?” he asks, leaning casually as if he hasn’t been left waiting longer than I previously stated.

I nod curtly at Damon and slide into the backseat of the vehicle. The leather upholstery molds comfortably to my form as I settle in, preparing myself to go from murdering mafia leader to a well-respected CEO of a multi-billion-dollar company.

Normally, splitting my time isn’t difficult, but the weariness of very little sleep and not enough downtime is catching up to me.

Titan needs to be found soon, or it just might be more than my patience that wears thin.



After getting dressed, I collapse onto the bed, my body still buzzing from the intense and very unexpected shower session with Luca. I had no problems fantasizing about him touching me like that. Now that he has, yet still feels so…Luca, I’m not sure what to think.

Still, I know I can’t dwell on those thoughts for long. Tori hasn’t actually heard from me in weeks, even though she doesn’t know that. I can’t be selfish and make her wait any longer just because I allowed myself to fall for my captor.

I stare at her contact in my phone and desperately want to press on her name, but I also know I can’t tell her everything and, what I will say, she’s not going to understand. My best friend is going to think I’ve had a psychotic break after losing my mother and demand that I return.

If only things were that simple.

With a heavy sigh, I click on her phone number as I lay flat on the bed. She’ll forgive me one day when I can tell her the whole truth. Hopefully.

Tori’s voice slices through the air, sharp with frustration, and I flinch at the impact of her words. “What the fuck, Liv?”

I really do hate that I’ve hurt her so deeply.

“I’m sorry,” I offer sincerely. “More than you can possibly understand.”
