Page 6 of Ruthless Truths

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I don’t even know how to finish my question. Too much fucking shit is happening right now.

Someone grabs my neck tightly from the back seat. “Want me to shut her up?”

Mr.… Shit, what last name did the speaker use? My head is too flustered to remember. Either way, the guy who bid on me and just possibly saved my life lifts his lip into a sinister snarl. “Don’t fucking touch her.”

I try the window this time, but it doesn’t open either.

“You’re safe, Olivia,” he says, softer than any of his previous words but still not kind.

I scoff and cross my arms. “I don’t even know who you are, so why should I believe you after what I just saw?”

“I’m Luca Monroe,” he says, then looks toward the driver as if his name is the only explanation I need. “Take us to Roe.”

Golden eyes glance back at him from the rearview mirror. “Are you sure…”

Luca’s hands are clenched into fists. “Do I ever speak without thinking, Jaxon?”

His voice is calm, but I’m certain I’m no safer now than I was when I walked into the alleyway.

Why couldn’t I have just braved the crowds?Why?

Jaxon doesn’t reply, which seems like the safest option for those of us in the vehicle. I scoot further away from Luca, pressing my shoulder into the unyielding window.

Luca pulls out his phone, but I don’t even try to sneak a peek at the screen. Though, it reminds me of the stuff I dropped during the…commotion.

“Stop,” I demand.

Jaxon, of course, doesn’t listen to me and continues backing out of the alleyway.

“I need my purse,” I say to nobody in particular.

“You can buy new stuff,” Luca says without looking up from his phone.

Shit. I want to punch his sexy mouth.

“Not everyone is a rich fuck like you,” I blurt without thinking, forgetting for a moment about my precarious situation.

His gaze slowly lifts, and once again, his eyes feel as if they burn right through me. “Rich fuck?”

I’m in it now, so I merely shrug. Boldness isn’t quite the survival skill I thought I would land on, but here we are. Somehow it seems to be working for me.

“I think that’s the first time anyone has called me that.” The way he says the words, it’s almost as if I’ve amused him.

“Well, then maybe you need new friends that don’t kiss your ass,” I add when his attention goes back to his phone.

There’s a little voice in my head telling me to shut my fucking mouth and just maybe I’ll get out of this…situation alive. Yet, at the same time, I can’t override the knee-jerk reaction to show him he doesn’t scare me, even though I’m fucking terrified. I mean, he would have let me die back there if he was going to kill me, right? I feel decently confident about that. Or maybe that’s just idiocy. I’ll find out soon enough.

The SUV fills with silence as we pull onto the main road. Streetlights stream through the windows and into the SUV, and I glance behind me, remembering someone had grabbed my neck. There are two men in the rear seat, one with a wounded shoulder.

“Shit, you’re bleeding,” I say, surprised by the lack of reaction from anyone else in the vehicle. “Who the fuck are you people?”

The one not wounded leans forward but keeps his hands to himself. He has a scar down his left cheek, dark eyes, a shaved head, and tattoos covering his neck that disappear beneath his black shirt.

“We’re nobody,” he replies with a smirk that sends a chill down my spine.

Dread instantly fills me. “Nobody” seems a hell of a lot worse than something like a twisted rich people gang. Because if there isn’t anyone that knows who these guys really are, how the hell am I going to stand a chance of escaping from them?

