Page 65 of Ruthless Truths

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He rips the gun from my hand and shoves me backward. “Don’t keep Titan waiting.”

There’s an accent lacing his curt words. Russian, maybe? German? Hell, I don’t know at this point. My ears are ringing, and my entire body trembles as I attempt to stay upright.

Titan is here. The man who I’ve never even laid eyes on yet wants me dead because of something I saw. None of this feels real, but that doesn’t mean I’m giving up.

My gaze moves left and right, and there are more men with more guns. There’s literally nowhere else to go but closer to the dead body and waiting SUV. I could run, but something tells me I stand a better chance of getting out of this alive if I behave just a little longer.

Luca is going to be so fucking pissed.

The Russian continues to poke at my back, forcing me closer to the waiting open door. When I’m mere feet away, I avert my eyes while doing my best not to step on Vin’s body. I’m still not certain he set me up from all earlier reasons and the fact that he’s dead now, but a desire still builds within me to stomp my foot over his head for putting me in this position.

Once I’m at the open door and looking inside the dark interior, I have to blink several times for the image to make any sense to my overwhelmed brain. When it does, I still don’t believe what I’m seeing. Titan is supposed to be here, but the man staring back at me…

All breath leaves my body, and I can’t move. Shock has taken over, paralyzing me in this moment that makes absolutely no fucking sense.

The man I shouldn’t recognize smiles at me, causing an unwelcome flutter to rise within my chest.

“Hello, Daughter,” he says with a casual wave. “I know it’s been a while, but why don’t you get in so we can have a little chat, yeah?”

Fuck my life.

* * *
