Page 39 of Corrupted Sinner

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Instead of making a few turns and coming to a stop at the next restaurant or souvenir shop Domínguez had singlehandedly pulled from the chopping block, Domínguez’s driver kept going, driving us right out of the small city. Down country roads that were disturbingly familiar. And along the cracked concrete and gravel parking lot of the sunburned warehouse that sent a cold shiver down my spine. Domínguez Agricultura Warehouse.


My stomach roiled and my palms grew sweaty.

This couldn’t be good, and by the subtle shifts in Deo’s, Vito’s, and Brute’s postures, I don’t think they were getting warm and fuzzy feelings here either.

The driver got out and opened the rear passenger door at the same time “hot and twisted” walked out from around the side of the warehouse, coming toward us.

Deo and Vito got out; they didn’t have a choice. And I had no choice but to sit in the fucking car like a useless bimbo.

“Buenas Dias, SignorLuciano,” ‘hot and twisted’ said, holding out his hand and clasping Deo’s enthusiastically. He wasn’t so hot today, just twisted.

I fought the urge to vomit. I knew where “twisted’s” hands had been—carting around severed heads and dropping them in acid.

“El jefethought you would be interested in seeing our latest method of transport. It’s cut down substantially on the interference our shipments receive.”

“Bene,” Deo said, nodding once, just enough to show cordial interest.


There was no way Brute and I were welcome to tag along for this impromptu inspection.

Deo turned around and leaned back inside the limo, kissing me in a way that was much more intimate than our little show had previously been. One of his hands slid up my arm, up to the back of my neck at the same time his teeth dug into my bottom lip.

Ah, so that’s what he was doing.

I moaned quietly in response to the light sting, drawing “twisted”s’ attention. And that’s when Vito’s hand slipped inside his jacket, flipping off the safety on each of the guns concealed beneath it.

Vito might have been well into his forties, but he was freaking fast. If they tried to get the drop on him, I had no doubt he’d get at least a couple of shots off.

As Deo tilted his head under the guise of deepening the kiss, I arched my body up, giving him the cover he needed. His free hand slid between us, beneath his jacket, readying his own guns.

When he was finished, he reached down and squeezed my thigh for good measure, then broke the kiss and stood back up.

It still felt like shit sitting here, watching as Deo and Vito disappeared around the side of the building with Domínguez’s second-in-command, but at least they were armed and ready for whatever came at them.

Even as I watched the building, listening for any sounds of trouble, I could feel Leeri’s eyes on me. She was sitting beside me, across from Brute, and I could practically feel her gaze flicking back and forth between Brute and me.

“What’s he going to think of his shiny toy when he discovers it’s been fucking around on him?” Leeri asked.

I laughed. “Trying to bring me down again, are you?” I shook my head. “I don’t know why my sex life interests you so much, but unless this is your way of trying to get in on it, you really need to find a new topic,amica.”

Seriously. What did she care?

“She’s right, Leeri,” Brute said. “It’s none of your business, so leave it alone.”

She shook her head. “It is my business when whatshe’sdoing is going to get my brother killed.”

Brute scoffed.

Me too. “Your brother is far more useful to Deo than I am,” I lied easily. “Deo wouldn’t kill Brute if I fucked him in the middle of Grand Central Station.” Which I wouldn’t have minded at all. Or maybe I would. I don’t know. Things had been weird between Brute and me, and getting weirder with every interruption.

Leeri shook her head. “In my experience, men with plenty of power tend to exert it in any way they can. I just think it would be better if you left, Brute. Removed temptation, so to speak.”

Was that genuine concern? Or part of a ploy to get her brother out of here and away from the rest of us? I just couldn’t get a goddamned read on the woman.

Perhaps, in the face of uncertainty, putting Leeri’s mind at ease was the kind way to go? “Deo’s got enough power to know he doesn’t have to swing it around aimlessly for others to recognize it.”
