Page 104 of Control

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“If that were true, you’d have ordered only one margarita, not three.” Adi slipped her arm across Kenzie’s shoulders. “Admit it, you love us.”

“Maybe I planned on drinking all three. Fine. Virgin margaritas then. I’ll imagine the tequila.”

“So… you want lime juice and sugar syrup?” Thor was doing a terrible job at hiding his amusement at the situation unfolding in front of him.

“Do you have a better suggestion?” She shivered as someone opened the door behind her, sending a blast of frigid November air through the bar area. She was already regretting her outfit choice even despite her heavy coat, which she was clinging to like a life raft.

“Pfft. Don’t insult me.” Thor flashed a grin. “I make the best virgin cocktails in the city.”

“It’s true.” Paige nodded. “We’ll take three citrus sippers please, Thor.”

“What the fuck is a citrus sipper?” Kenzie folded her arms. The night was going downhill fast.

“Lime, cranberry juice, ginger ale, and white grapefruit juice.” Thor answered, as he assembled the ingredients on the bar in front of them.

“Sounds distinctly lacking in tequila.”

He was already making their drinks and shook his head. “Give it a chance, lady. If you hate it, you can always leave, no one’s tying you up unless you want them to.” He winked at Addison whose eyes bugged out of her head. “Plus, you can always grab a ‘don’t fucking talk to me’ wristband if you want to.”

“A wristband?”

Both Paige and Addison waved their arms in front of Kenzie’s face. She grabbed Adi’s arm. “What does orange mean?”

Addison squared her shoulders, casting a furtive glance at the tall and totally-her-type bartender. “It means taken but exploring submissive. It means I’m not all the way in the ‘don’t fucking talk to me’ camp. I mean, I’m single…”

She batted her eyes at Thor who did little to hide his approving gaze as it traveled down Addison’s face, landing on her ample cleavage. “But I want to play it safe for the night. If that means pretending I’m in a relationship to ward off the throngs of potential suitors…” She shrugged.

She also wore a corset, but hers was brown, steampunk in style, and had leather straps crisscrossing under her bust. Her cheeks pinked. “This way I have an out for not hurting anyone’s feelings. I can just flash my band and say I’m taken. Just cause I’m single doesn’t mean I’m open to just anyone. A girl’s gotta have standards.”

Thor handed her a tumbler of pinky orange liquid. “She does indeed, my lady. And if anyone gives you any hassle here tonight, you come find me. Thor of Asgard will take care of you.”

“With his massive hammer.” Kenzie tugged at the top of her corset and turned her head to avoid the come-fuck-me eyes her friend was giving the giant bartender they’d just met. One of the three dress-pant-clad guys at the end of the bar looked vaguely familiar from his profile, but she couldn’t place him, and he and the two men he was with were gone before she had a chance to confirm.

“See?” Paige elbowed Kenzie in the ribs. “Thor here says it’s all good. If you wanna play you can play, if you wanna watch you can watch, if you want to leave… we’ll be very sad about it, won’t we, Adi?”

Addison still made gooey heart eyes at Thor, but she nodded.

“Y’all made me dress up like this when I didn’t have to. If I wasn’t so dang self-conscious about what I’m wearing, it wouldn’t be so bad.”

Paige snorted. “Lies. If you were wearing jeans and a Brett Young tour T-shirt from five years ago you’d still feel out of place and even more self-conscious. This is better.” She clutched her glass and gestured it up and down in front of Kenzie’s corset. “This is hot as fuck. And you do have to. There’s a dress code.”

“She’s not wrong.” Thor handed Kenzie her glass and she ignored the straw in favor of chugging half of the cold, bitter-sweet mixture in one go. “Dress codes keep people from showing up who are not part of the community.”

“What is the dress code?” The more he talked, the more her curiosity grew.

“A good rule of thumb is "no pink" should be visible on men or women. For men, a well-tailored suit is often all that is required. Black and red are often easier to pass. That is the easy entry. I have also worn chest harnesses with jeans and button down shirts, carried a rope, or worn other leather gear on the outside of my clothing. The biggest piece of importance is that the clothing fits. If it looks like you borrowed someone else's suit, you will likely not get in.”

Kenzie tugged on her corset, thankful it was hers from the previous year’s Halloween costume and that she hadn’t gotten turned away at the door for her overwhelming ignorance at what she was about to walk into.

Thor mixed more of their mocktail and refilled their glasses. “Men and women have to meet the dress code alike. Even still there are often boys who enter the club with a thought process of getting the opportunity to beat on a woman and a guaranteed line up of vaginas in front of them.”

Kenzie gasped, but Thor continued. “Often the DM's will spot and remove these individuals quickly, but there are cases where people have been seriously injured.”

“Dungeon masters.” Paige correctly guessed that the abbreviation was lost on her.

“Are all clubs the same? Do they all have dress codes?”

He shook his head. “Entry to dungeon spaces typically requires a strict dress code. The more the location focuses on targeting swingers vs general kinksters, the more likely it will have a vanilla vs strict dress code. If you have stocks and gags, it is likely a dungeon and there is also likely a dress code in place.” He sighed and threw his cloth onto the bar. “I feel like I need to adequately prepare you since your friends were idiots and didn’t.”

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