Page 12 of Control

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“What is it?”

“What is what?” I’m not sure I can tell him about the thoughts charging around my brain.

He leans toward me, dropping his voice. “Whatever dirty little thought just crept into your head.”

Shaking my head, my heart smacks against my ribcage. “I can’t.”

“Try me.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal.

I can’t meet his eyes as I lean forward to whisper. “I’ve always wanted to... I...” Christ on a cracker why is it so hard to just spit out our fantasies to a complete stranger? Tugging at the neck of my shirt, I pray for a gust of cold air to blow through the cafe. “I’ve always wanted to try things with more than one guy.” I cover my face with my hand, waiting for him to... I dunno. I don’t think he’d kink shame me, but most guys aren’t really down for sharing, even if it’s just a one-and-done kind of deal.

“Is that so?”

I nod, heat consuming my whole body.

“As it happens, that’s something I quite enjoy doing. Generally with Slade, since we’re sharing. He’s a safe and experienced dominant to make something like that happen for you. Maybe we can look into setting something up with him. But if it’s okay with you, I’d like some one-to-one time with you. I don’t feel like sharing.”

The way his eyes undress me, makes my skin burn hotter still.

“What about bondage?” How can he seem so wholly unflappable?

“Like handcuffs? Or rope play? Or...?”

He shrugs. “Any or all of the above. I suppose the better question is how do you feel about being restrained?”

My finger finds its way to the edge of the mug again and traces circles as my mind runs his question over and over. “I’m definitely open to the possibility with someone I trust.” If he was a stranger off the street I’d say hell no, not any time soon. But he’s a well-known figure in the kink community, I know I can trust him.

A smile pulls at the corners of his lips as though I passed some kind of unspoken test. “Wax play?”

“Never tried it. Sounds kind of painful. I’m not against trying.” Considering I love the sting of a palm on my ass cheeks, it stands to reason I’d like the sting of wax on my skin. There’s definitely a theme developing here. I’d love to try a bunch of things. And I’d love, even more, if he’d let me try them with him.


“I like being spanked.” Another glance over my shoulder to make sure no one around me hears those words come out of my mouth. While I don’t mind Thor knowing about my desires, I don’t want everyone in this zip code having the same information.

His eyebrow twitches. Mr. Thor may be more of an open book than I had originally thought.

“You like spanking?”

He nods at my question. “Have you tried instruments? Or just hands?”

“Just hands.”

“Are you open to trying instruments?”

The excitement in his voice is hard to ignore. “What kind of instruments?”

He grins. “I love how curious you are. It’s not a straight-up no. It’s a maybe, depending.”

“I can’t know I don’t like something if I don’t try it, right?”

He nods. “Paddles, hairbrushes, crops, canes, spatulas, wooden spoons... any implement you can think of to spank someone with.”

Heat creeps up my spine, and suddenly my body is too hot to be encased in these clothes. “I—” My voice gives out. I clear my throat a couple times, but the words still don’t come out smoothly. “I’m open to trying some of those things.”

He doesn’t say anything, or prod further, but his stare lingers on my lips for just a beat before it flickers to meet my own. “What about aftercare?”

“I think I’m good.”
