Page 56 of Control

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I’m going to draw blood from my lip from how hard I’m biting down on it so as not to wake the sleeping child across the hall. “Please.”

“Please what, pretty girl?”


“You’re going to need to use your words, Addison.”

I don’t think I can. I don’t have any words left, they’ve all trickled out my pussy. There is only demanding need.

His thumb slowly circles my clit, keeping me right at the edge. “You’ve been such a good girl, Addison. Tell me what you need.”

“Come. I need...” The breathless words tumble from my lips before he sweeps his tongue through my lips. “To come.”

“Then come for me kitten. Come so hard you soak my face like the good little girl you are.” As soon as the words are out of his mouth, three things happen at the same time. His mouth closes over my clit with a ferociousness he hasn’t used since he spread my legs for him. His fingers grab my g-spot with such pressure my limbs turn to jelly and white spots prick the edges of my vision. And when he rams his finger deeper into my ass, I’m a goner.

I’ve never orgasmed in such a violent way. I’ve never come so hard I literally feel my release spray out of my body. Until today. Thor doesn’t relent, dragging every last drop of cum from me as my body twists and writhes underneath his silent commands.

When I sag, and a silent scream rips from my hollow shell, he still doesn’t stop. He captures my clit with his lips, his tongue, his teeth, and keeps pushing my sensitive nerves to the limit.

I’ve been with men who couldn’t ever get me off before. I’ve been with men who took a while to get me off, or who got me off pretty quickly, but I’ve never before been with a man who could make my body perform like a marionette doll the way The Viking between my thighs can.

My knees tremble, toes curl, and back bends even more as he doesn’t give up, determined to tear my soul from my body through my clit and not willing to settle for anything less.

The man is possessed.

Maybe it’s my responses to his touch, how I bounce and flail as he plays me like an instrument he’s intimately familiar with. Maybe it’s how I taste, or smell, the fact I’m so squelchy I’m pretty sure his nosy neighbors next door can hear my slickness every time he moves his hand. Or perhaps it’s the fact I was patient and waited for his say so before I came, but either way, this feels like worship.

It feels like I’m an altar to worship at, or a precious deity he can’t pray enough to. When my first orgasm rolls into a second, I can’t stop the cry that escapes me before I jam my hand into my face to smother it.

Thor doesn’t stop like I expect him to. He pushes and pushes and pushes until I don’t know where one orgasm stops and the next starts.

I’m levitating over my body, my limbs are matter, but they’re so far gone from taking commands from my brain I’m not sure they’re still attached. I shake, my chest heaves, sweat streams down my face, and there’s no question as to just how wet I am when he slurps my juices.

Fuck. I’m going to explode again. I didn’t think I could. He grunts, then shouts something into my pussy that sounds like “Again,” then “don’t stop.”

I’ve never had such an unrelenting wave of orgasms crash into me back to back to back. But Thor doesn’t stop. Has it been thirty minutes? Three hours? Am I dreaming? I have no idea. All I know is that if I don’t come again, he won’t stop until I do.

If I don’t give him what he needs from me, he’s going to keep sucking and teasing me until I let up.

His patience is boundless, his hunger is unparalleled, and he’s eating me out like both of us might die if he doesn’t.

When the next orgasm hits, I bolt upright, my legs tensing, clenching his head against my body. I expect him to pull back, but he slips his fingers out of my holes and grips my hips, jerking me toward his face.

He’s going to die, he’s going to suffocate himself and the medical examiner is going to find his entire face blocked up with cum. The man’s unhinged.

I don’t know if one more orgasm rolls through me before I collapse, or if it’s the tail end of the last one, but I when I fall back onto the soft, damp carpet on the landing. Thor finally stops his onslaught on my clit and everything ceases to exist.



I may not beable to help my child from one day to the next, but as I carry a giggling Addison to the guest room, something inside my chest warms. She clings to me like she never wants to let go, and a tiny voice in the back of my mind says I might like it if she doesn’t.

She’s past the point of being safe to bathe by herself, but I clean her up with a warm washcloth as she giggles. She’s not sleepy, at least she doesn’t seem it, but she’s playful and fun, and if I was a betting man I’d say she’s slipped into sub or even little space.

With a lot of effort, I guide her into her nightwear that is stacked neatly on her pillow, before tucking her into bed. Before pulling off my jeans, I take out my phone and message both my bosses asking for tomorrow off. Addison was so upset when I got home, and I pushed her pretty hard, I don’t want her to hit sub drop tomorrow. Not just for herself, but for Matty too. The last thing I need is for her to drop, and something to happen to either of them, or worse, both.

It’s reckless for me to climb into bed with her in so far as Matty is concerned. I don’t want him getting confused about my relationship with Addison, but at the same time, I’m feeling pretty confused about things myself.
