Page 60 of Control

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Another two weekshave passed in Thor’s world. And mine too, I guess. Our world? Sounds kind of presumptuous. And yet...

I feel somewhat insulated from the outside. We’ve been living in this little domestic bubble like it’s something that’s going to span beyond the next two weeks. In so far as this job is concerned, I have more time with Thor and Matthew behind me, than I do remaining in front of me. But I don't feel as though I’m done with either of them. And we haven’t talked about what comes next.

Things are progressing. I think we’ve crossed from one-night-stand, to friends with benefits, to something more. Something intimate despite us not having had sex again since... well, since he broke me into tiny little pieces with his tongue on the stairs.

Actually, that’s not quite true. I sucked him off in the laundry room last week when he’d had a particularly stressful day at work. There was something empowering about being on my knees, about looking up at him with my tear-streaked face and my smudged lipstick and knowing he was hurtling toward his release.

I’ve never really been a fan of giving head, but when it came with a side of Thor-Praise and head pats... well, as soon as the opportunity to repeat it presents itself, let’s just say I’ll happily get on my knees.

Something’s definitely shifted between us, though I daren’t breathe out loud in case he hears and gets spooked. But it’s definitelymore. And there’s a not-too-small part of me that wants to follow that thread and see where it goes.

Thor texted me from the club last night to tell me he invited Mackenzie and Austin over for dinner tonight. About thirty seconds later, Mackenzie blew up our direct chat with excited emojis and “WTF” gifs.


What can I bring?

Matthew has food aversions, right?

Should I bring him a toy instead?

I don’t have a lot of time tomorrow, but I can go to the store and grab something for him if you think that’s okay.

And before you say it, I know. I won’t invade his space or be too loud or overwhelm him. I’m just excited to see you guys and hang out.

Never mind. Austin is making lemon and raspberry trifle for dessert. Apparently he’s already discussing it with Thor. Can’t wait to see you, feels like forever.

It hasn’t been forever. It’s only been a few days. But I know what she means. I’ve been kept pretty busy, and enjoying spending my time with the boys. I’ve missed my girls, but I’m bonding with Matthew, and even if I’m not reaching him the way it feels like I am in my chest, I’m definitely bonding with Thor.

I wasn’t sure how playing house with the handsome giant would unfold, and I thought I could remain on the outside with my feelings, but I’m totally in over my head. I definitely don’t want to leave.

With only a few hours until Kenzie and Austin arrive, I set about getting the house clean like it’s my own. I’m generally a house proud woman, and hanging out with people in my space... well, just call me Martha. It’s been a while since I’ve felt enough like myself to play hostess. This whole getting fired from my job for opening my mouth and pointing out a predator thing has thrown me off my game a little.

I’m not a baker, though, so I ask Kenz if she can bring a box of delicious Quinn-cakes from The Cupcake Cartel. I feel like cupcakes. The former captain on the hockey team Mackenzie is a trainer for, the Minnesota Snow Pirates, is engaged to a woman who owns the best bakery in town. Her cupcakes—Quinn-cakes because her name is Quinn—are the single greatest sugary creation I’ve ever had the pleasure of wrapping my tongue around.

And it’s been a while. They’re not what I’d call expensive, but they’re also not as reasonably priced as a box of Hostess’s Ho Hos, you know?

I’m salivating at the thought. If I know Kenzie as well as I think I do, asking her for five cupcakes will result in half a dozen, meaning I’ll get a leftover one tomorrow, and future Addison is already grateful I thought to ask.

She replies that she already has cupcakes, and a pitcher (probably two because it’s Kenzie) of margaritas, but she was trying to see if there was anything else I needed. She’s such a peach—a sweet, southern firecracker with a steel backbone and a heart the size of her home state, Texas. She’s been through so much and yet she shows up every day with a smile that could melt butter, or slice a man in two depending on what the day calls for.

And Paige and I will help her bury whatever bodies need to be buried. Sister code and all that. No friend carries that weight alone. They’d put their back out if nothing else.


A pang of guilt ripples through my chest. I shouldn’t leave her out just because she’s single, so I send off a quick text to my bestie and invite her to dinner.

A gasp escapes me as I fold a pair of Thor’s chinos. What if Matthew wants a cupcake? The thrum of excitement that courses through my blood makes me beam. Wouldn’t that be something? I’d totally give my tomorrow Quinn-cake to him. Without hesitation.

I wonder if Kenzie got the same flavor throughout or if there’ll be a couple different tastes we could offer him. Chances are he’ll say no, but I’ll offer him a bite of every meal I ever eat just in case one day he says yes.

We’re ordering in from Maya tonight, a delicious Mexican restaurant that sends a gurgle through my stomach just thinking about their elote. Thor has already placed an order of burritos, quesadillas, tacos, elote, chips and dips. It’s going to be a party in my mouth, and I can’t wait.

He always over-orders. Partly so he doesn’t have to think about what to cook the next day, and partly because he eats so much he’s probably afraid to under-order in case he’s still hungry when he gets through a tray of a dozen tacos. I’d love to say that’s an exaggeration, but I’ve seen it happen. Then he starts circling my plate like a vulture over carrion.

The afternoon blurs by in a whirlwind of household chores. For Thor, not me. He works on an endless pile of laundry folding, scrubs the toilets, and makes sure the table looks nice for when people arrive while I hang out with Matthew.

We color every evening after dinner, it’s become part of the daily routine, so there are coloring books and colors scattered around the dining room space. I admit, it’s something I want to do forever.
