Page 62 of Control

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I’m already exhausted, and the night has barely started. Slade claps his hands together then rubs them with glee. “This is going to be fun.”

I have regrets. And most of them are regrets that I thought we could have a normal, pleasant meal with friends without drama.

As I follow Slade into the dining room, part of me expects Paige to be standing, knife in hand, ready to carve him like a pumpkin in the fall. I’d like to think Austin would step in to stop the murderous woman before she did any real damage, but one, she’s wily, and two he’s nowhere to be seen in the dining room.

“He’s in the living room with Matty.” Thor jerks his head as though he read my mind. A quick glance confirms that Matthew is sitting squished up against Austin, their shoulders touching. The game is paused on the TV, and the lights are up a little brighter than usual.

“What’s going on?”

They seem engrossed in conversation, it warms my heart. Matthew looks so comfortable sitting there with Austin.

“After I tried to introduce Mackenzie and Austin, Matty realized Austin wastheAustin who played hockey for the Snow Pirates.”

Matthew has a poster of Austin and his former teammates on his bedroom wall. He has a bunch of posters, in fact, and hockey memorabilia all around his room. Thor spoils the kid rotten. Especially considering the fact it’s only been a couple weeks since Matty arrived.

I guess he’s just an eager new father trying to make his son feel more comfortable in his new home. I don’t blame him, if I had Thor’s money, I would too.

Thor and Slade walk into the living room. I guess it’s been a while since Slade has been around because Thor’s showing him something on the wall. Despite the feeling of my friends’ eyes on my face, I can’t look away from him. Thor’s just delicious. He’s wearing a black button-down shirt with the top buttons open and if Matthew wasn’t here, I’d open the rest of them.

Swallowing, I spin to face the accusing, amused smiles of my girlfriends. “Out with it.”

“Adi and Thor sittin’ in a tree...”

“Being super kiiiiinky...”

They burst into giggles, clearly very happy with themselves. But I groan.

“This is why we haven’t seen you much for weeks. You’re with him. Like...withhim.”

“Of course I’m with him, he’s my boss, and I live and work in his house.” You sit on a throne of lies Addison. You also sat on him, and used his peen like your personal joy-stick.

Mackenzie snorts, handing me a glass of freshly made Kenz-a-ritas. They’re the best I’ve ever had, too. Huh. I have super talented friends. And I think I just learned that food is my love language.

We clink our glasses together before taking a sip.

“I’m pleased for you, Adi. You seem happy, lighter somehow. And he looks at you like you hung the moon.”

Shaking my head, I pour drinks for the guys. I’ll tell Thor he can drink, and I’ll stop at one, just in case something happens with Matthew and we need to go out.

Paige has barely uttered a word, her glare is fixed on the back of Slade’s head, and I’m pretty sure he’s actually hot for her rage.

“You like him, don’t you?” Mackenzie asks with a small smile.

Rolling my lips between my teeth, I nod. Daring to let my friends in just a little. “I tried not to. He’s not a one-woman man, and he’s got Matthew, and things are... complicated.” Other than our initial conversation, the fact he’s a player hasn’t come up at all. When we met, I wasn’t looking for a relationship either. His thoughts on that seem to have changed, otherwise he’d have denied the girlfriend thing, right?

We’re approaching the end of the six weeks together, and things have most definitely changed for me. I want to be his girlfriend. I don’t want to just leave and go back to whatever friends with benefits thing we could come up with. I want to be Thor’s girlfriend.

“But you like him,” Kenzie repeats before taking a sip from her glass.

Sighing, I sit with it for a second before answering. “I do. And...” I glance between Paige and Slade, making sure the boys are still out of range of eavesdropping. “Slade called me Thor’s girlfriend earlier.”

Neither of my friends react with surprise, which only further enforces the fact that yes, I’m in a relationship with Thor. And I seem to be the last person to know it.

“Did he deny it?” Paige’s voice is laced with venom. I’m trying not to take it personally, but I should have thought to check with Thor before asking her to come. She glances toward the front door, like she’s contemplating her escape.

“He didn’t. He leaned over and kissed my face instead.”

Kenzie’s lips curve into a wide smile. “I knew it.” Her whisper is excited, but my insides are still churning.

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