Page 92 of Control

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Pulling out a pair of jeans and a shirt, I flop onto the bed face first with a groan. What if Matthew doesn’t take to Thor’s mom Ella? What if he takes to her but they aren’t at “leave the two of them alone together for a few hours” level of relationship before Ella has to leave?

It’s selfish. I know this. The guilt I’m feeling at even allowing such selfish thoughts to invade my mind is crushing. But Ireallywant some alone time with Thor. Ireallywant to make things right between us sexually. I’m not in “give him back the paddle” territory, not by any means, but I definitely want the sting of a slap across my ass, and soon.

The unmistakable click of the front door closing makes me spring up from the bed and pull my clothes on.

“Adi?” Thor’s voice echoes around the house.

“Up here! Be down in a sec.”

By the time I get downstairs, Ella is in the living room being introduced to Matthew. Thor stands nearby, uncertainty in his eyes and tension holding his body rigid. Ella offers a book to Matthew, it’s a book about the history of hockey. Part of me wonders whether she had help from Thor about what to bring as a gift for her grandchild, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she picked up his love for hockey over the video calls and ran with it herself. From what I've seen when speaking on our video calls, she seems a thoughtful sort.

After a few minutes of chatting, Ella asks Matthew if she can hug him. He bristles, shaking his head.

“That’s okay, sweetheart. You don’t have to. But if there’s a time during the course of my trip where you feel you’d like to hug me, please do so, okay?”

He nods, but his gaze is glued to the book on his lap as he opens the hardback cover.

“Addison!” Ella bounds off the sofa, heading my direction with the clear intent of crushing me in a hug. I can’t wait. I can’t remember the last time I had a mom hug. I guess part of the consequences for being a screw up is not getting the same level of affection as the successful siblings.

My stomach squirms at the thought and sadness ripples through me. When Ella’s arms pull me into a warm embrace, tears prick my eyes. “It’s such a pleasure to finally meet you in the flesh. I’m exceptionally grateful for technology, don’t get me wrong. But nothing beats a good face to face meeting where one can scrutinize the chosen partner of one’s offspring.” She grabs my chin as I’m sure all color and warmth drains from my body.

“I’m fucking with you, hon.”

“That’s a swear word, grandma. Dad says I shouldn’t say those, but he never tells me why.”

She winces as Matthew scolds her.

Rolling my lips between my teeth to fight the smile teasing my face, I can’t stop my shoulders from shaking in silent laughter. Matthew always needs to know the why. And when we can’t tell him why, when we can’t give him a clear explanation as to the reason he can’t or shouldn’t do or say something, he hates it.

Case in point, “because it might offend people” isn’t a good enough reason for Matthew to accept he shouldn’t walk around dropping the F-bomb. Not that he does, he’s incredibly eloquent and well spoken, but when Thor corrects people for cussing in Matthew’s space, Matthew can’t understand why.

“It’s just words, Dad.”

“Yeah, dad. It’s just words.” Ella copies her grandson with a smug smile on her face. The next two weeks are going to be fucking awesome. Ella seems tolivefor poking fun at her son. And the pink tinge to his face and the way muscles feather in his cheek as he grits his teeth suggests it’s going to be way more fun for me than it is for him.

“I figure since we’re all here together it’s the best time to let you all know I’ve started my move back to Minnesota.” Ella’s casual declaration that she’s moving cross country lands on stunned silence from both Thor and I.

“Mom... I...” Thor’s face contorts as a multitude of emotions flit across his features. “But you love Seattle.”

“I do.” She nods somberly as she steps back from me and a little closer to Thor. “But I love you more.” She cups his chin with both palms. “And now that I have a little grandson here whose life I’ve already missed too much of.” She shrugs. “It was a no brainer.”

My heart may explode. The act of such sturdy support from his mom makes my chest ache. It’s perfect. It’s everything he doesn’t know he needs yet.

“When do you move, Ella?” Trying to give Thor a couple of seconds to breathe, I gesture for her to follow me into the kitchen where I start the coffee maker. This situation calls for something stronger, but I don’t think people would look fondly on day drinking with the mother-in-law the second she stepped off the plane.

Ha. Mother-in-law. I’d best not let Thor hear that thought out loud, he’d shit his pants. It would definitely be the straw that broke the shocked camel’s back right now.

“I already did, Addison.” She opens her arms wide. “House is packed up and being transported as we speak. I have an offer on a house not too far from here, I’m just waiting for the real estate agent to get back to me, and here I am.” She says this so matter of fact that I’m the one who seems strange for even asking the question.

This woman packed up her entire life, did long-distance house hunting, and moved across the country without so much as telling her grown son, all while recovering from a broken hip, andI’mthe one out of the ordinary for asking her about it?

Ella is a freakin’ force of nature. I’m in awe of her strength. “In truth, I’m amazed you haven’t asked me to come back yet, Thoren.” She turns to him, wagging her finger. “Too stubborn to ask for help?”

Huh. So I guess Thor is a nickname after all. It’s hard not to giggle as he gets a dressing down from his mama.

He shakes his head. “No, Mom. Not senseless enough to think you’d do it, or selfish enough to consider asking you to. You have your life, your home, your friends.”

She dismisses him with a wave of her hand. “I’ll make friends here. I’ll be closer to you three. I’m not missing out on Matthew growing up, Thor.” Her voice hardens in challenge, like she’s daring him to confront her, or say something else. “Especially now that...” She glances over her shoulder before dropping her voice. “You’re pursuing sole custody. You’re going to need a little help, son.”

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