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Hannah possessed a spectacular tenacity for a young girl who had been through so much. Nora noticed it several times during their mobility sessions, ones that were often given to adults who had submitted a lot faster. She mused on it a few times, wondering if it was naivety masked in bravery or if she was taking on traits of her passed mother and father.

Either way, Nora admired her for it. Having lost her own mother as an adult was harrowing enough. She couldn’t comprehend what it must be like for a child to lose not one but both parents in such a traumatic fashion. But perhaps her youth and power of imagination were actually blessings in disguise when it came to her tragedy.

On a particularly bright and warm morning, Nora was working with Hannah on a mat in what had become the therapy room. She had told Hudson how vital it was for the girl to have a space separate from her bedroom, to divide up the experience of pain and grief away from those of joy and wonder.

She also made sure that the therapy room wasn’t sterile and uninviting. Posters of animals and shows Hannah had told her she liked hung on the walls, a pleasant reminder of what remained to live for despite the agony of recovery.

But Nora was dealing with her own grief and had to consciously ignore her own nihilistic thoughts when she worked with the girl. She sat with her on the mat, supporting Hannah’s lower back as she sat up and bent to her knees.

“That's it, just like that,” Nora said, watching in awe as the young girl bent her forehead to touch her kneecaps. “Just softly like that. Good job. You’re doing so well, honey.”

While the exercise was repeated, mostly with success, Nora noticed a few groans coming from Hannah when she returned to an upright position. Nora crawled her fingers along the nubs of her spine, delicately searching for the source of tension.

“Where does it hurt, Hannah?”

Hannah, with her head bent forward, muttered out of the side of her mouth. She was not a complainer despite everything she had to complain about. That also amazed Nora to no end. Nevertheless, she wanted the child to express herself whenever she was in pain or uncomfortable. Not only did Nora think it was important for young girls to learn self-advocacy, but as a medically complicated child, Hannah needed to be good at communicating with her team of helpers.

“When I sit up, the lower part, I think,” she mumbled.

Nora touched the small of her back as she guided the girl back up, sitting in the fetal position for the time being. She felt around gently, feeling lingering tension in the spot just above her pelvis.

She gazed up at the clock and noted they had been working for nearly two hours. Relaxation was just as important as hard work, so Nora decided to give her a break and encourage calm.

“Let’s stop for today. I’m going to show Hudson how to give you a nice massage. It’ll make your back feel better. How does that sound?”

She nodded silently. Nora helped her stand, holding her in the way she had held hundreds of children throughout her career. When she was able to settle into her wheelchair, Nora flashed her a big smile and lightly tapped her head.

"You've done so well today, honey. I’m going to get Hudson now. Are you hungry at all?”

Hannah shook her head.

“Okay, you be sure to let me know if you are. You can have your lunch after the massage. I’ll be right back, okay?"

Hannah nodded again. Nora took the empty cup on the dresser, needing to fill it so the girl was properly hydrated. She sought out Hudson first, who she found working in his office.

She felt a rush of blood move through her cheeks as she raised her knuckles to the door. She brushed it away as schoolgirl crush silliness, then drummed her hand against it.

“Come in,” his voice rumbled.

She opened the door halfway, finding him hunched over his desk. It took her a minute to say what was supposed to come out of her mouth. The sight of his gray shirt straining against his shoulders was enough to dry her throat like the Sahara.

Hudson stood, dropping the pen he was holding, and gave her a solemn look. It could have been a scowl if she waited any longer.

Nora gulped, darting her eyes onto the desk, then back down the hallway.

“Hannah is having some back tension. I thought it would be a good opportunity to show you what kind of massage I give her.”

He twitched his nose, clearly repressing his annoyance. She must have interrupted him doing something important.

“Massage?” he repeated.

Nora clutched the doorknob and then spoke firmly.

“Yes, for her back. Even when she gets up on her feet, her back is going to need maintenance. Her core has been weakened by lost mobility. I thought I could show you how for the times when I’m not here.”
