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“Now, let’s see if anything new has come up,” she mumbled to herself, hoping there were more than just the few she had seen the last couple of days.

She skimmed through her email and junk to make sure she hadn’t missed any offers since she posted her resumé as public.


With a heavy sigh, she opened her job search page, expecting the same disappointment.

She sipped her tea and scrolled through ad after ad, not seeing anything new.

Nora closed her laptop and kept it on her crossed legs. She tilted her head back in exhaustion and annoyance.

“Might as well just accept that I’m gonna be at the hospital forever,” she said to herself gloomily.

She lifted her head so her eyes could see the TV, but she wasn’t really watching it. She was mentally checked out and trying not to overthink everything.

Then, a ding interrupted her dazed state. Nora looked at her laptop, realizing that she hadn’t shut it completely, so it was still on.

She opened it to see what the notification sound was for.

There was a red dot on the tab that she had opened for looking for jobs. It blinked the words1 new message.

Nora’s heart quickened in the hope that it was an employer reaching out.

She clicked on it eagerly, only to be filled with more disappointment.

It was just a message stating that the field category she was looking at had posted a new job listing.

The excitement of seconds before was already gone as she huffed and clicked on the newly added post, expecting nothing but one more of the low-paying let-downs.

Her eyes skimmed over the description, and then she went back to re-read it thoroughly, not believing what she was seeing. She read it again, slowly realizing that it was actually real.

The ad called for a nursing job to take care of just one child. The medical needs were extensive, and the girl had limited mobility, among other complex issues. But none of her medically fragile conditions were fatal.

It was brief, but Nora got the gist of what may be required.

Caring for one child who wasn’t terminal looked right up Nora’s alley. Not only that, the location was not far away. But what really stood out for Nora was the pay. It was almost double what she made now. Yes, it was around-the-clock work, but to Nora, it seemed like her savior.

She was trying not to get too far ahead of herself, knowing how hard these jobs were to come by and how many others were probably applying at this very second.

The only part that she wasn’t sure of was how old the child would be. But that was neither here nor there, especially given the array of children she’d dealt with throughout the years. If she was offered the job, she was sure she would be more than capable.

It was everything she was looking for. This might be the change she desperately needed.

Nora checked her resumé to make sure it was up to date, and everything was in order. She couldn’t fuck this up.

It didn’t ask for a cover letter, but she wrote a short one anyway. It couldn’t hurt to give someone more information about the person who would be entrusted with caring for their child.

She clicked on the application form and filled out the required fields, then attached the files and sent them along with her application.

The submission page loaded, letting her know that her information had been successfully sent.

Nora let out a deep breath that she wasn’t even aware she’d been holding.

She wanted this job more than she could admit to herself.

“This sounds like the exact job I was looking for,” she realized out loud, both giddy and nervous that it finally seemed to be here.

She closed her laptop and leaned her head back, thinking about getting this job, trying to put out positive vibes for once.

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