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“Are you sure?” she asked. “This hovel in no way could be a fancy laboratory.”

He pointed. “Does a vacant shack need to have armed guards patrolling the ground?” Around the corner of the building stepped a man dressed in camo and carrying a sidearm holstered on his waist.

Hudson was right! His kind were being hunted like animals. What a horrible, inhuman thing to do to another sentient being. If these people knew so much about shifters, they’d know how similar to humans they were.

The humans were the monsters.

Nora swallowed hard, not sure she wanted to know the answer to her next question. “Why do you think they took Hannah?”

A low growl came from deep within Hudson. “I highly suspect they want to study her hybrid genetics.”

Study her? Like she was a bug and not a six-year-old girl.

Nora’s worry twisted into barely contained fury.

How dare they! She was just a child and a very human child, too. There was no difference between her and any other child besides perhaps a dormant shifter gene.

And yet they’d still taken her. Planned to study her. And for what? Just what were they planning to do with what they found?

They were going to experiment on her like she was a lab rat.

Nora felt sick as she realized they might already be experimenting on her right now.

Monsters. Horrible, horrible monsters.

She couldn’t imagine how scared and confused Hannah must be.

Nora desperately wished there was at least some way to let her know they were coming. That they were going to save her. That they were not going to leave her in this awful place with these awful people.

That they were going to take her home.

And so help whoever tried to hurt that little girl. She’d kill them. Without a shadow of a doubt, she knew she’d kill them. She was not typically a violent person, but to protect Hannah, she could be.

“They’d better not have touched a single hair on her head,” she hissed.

Hudson nodded. “Agreed.”

“So how do we get her out of there?” she asked, hoping he had a solid plan.

“By calling in reinforcements.”



As much as he wanted to not waste a moment and burst through the doors of the facility and get Hannah, he knew they needed backup.

These people had obviously put a lot of effort into disguising their building and researching his kind. They’d know to expect high-level shifter threats. If he didn’t do this right, they could end up being killed before even getting close to Hannah. They needed the clan.

He called the elders in a group phone call as he scaled up a tree to get a better view of the facility and its defenses. Nora climbed another tree farther away to get another angle.

“Alpha, why have you called?” one of the elder’s voices asked in a grouchy tone. More than likely, the elders had been preparing for dinner.

“I need the clan assembled immediately at the coordinates I just sent you. They need to be prepared to attack.”

A few beats passed as the elders were no doubt looking at where the coordinates were located.

One of the elders let out a groan. “You are not on clan land. Where are you and why?”
