Page 53 of Nikolai's Baby

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He’s alive.

“Are you fine to walk?” I ask, looking over his dirty, bloodstained clothes.

He nods, so I take his word for it and lead him to the door, allowing him to lean on me as he hobbles toward the door. I don’t look back. I don’t want to see Diego or give him another chance to change the deal on me.

We both have what we want.

It’s over.

“Wait a second,” Diego says from behind me, his voice tinged with notes of irritation. “What’s this shit?”

I continue moving toward the door, quickening my step. Whatever he’s mad about, I’m sure it’s nothing I want to stay and talk with him about.

“Hey, stop those two from leaving!” Diego shouts.

I break out into a run, pulling Eddy along behind me as I barrel toward the door. The man who was guarding it when I arrived tries to step in our way, but I’m not stopping for anyone.

I aim for his stomach with my shoulder, and I pray that Eddy and my combined momentum is enough to break through.

Once we’re outside, Jasha should be able to cover us, but if we don’t make it out, things are going to get ugly.



Ten seconds until I go in.

I clutch my gun hard as I walk toward the unassuming bar.

Five more.

Why hasn’t she come out?



I nod to Jasha in the window. I’m going in.



Fuck, I hope she’s just running late, but a deal is a deal. I gave her three minutes, and not a second more. I have to go in after her.

I step toward the door, realizing only now that it doesn’t have a handle. I don’t want to shoot my way in, but all the windows are boarded up and I would be a fool to knock.

I pull out my gun, trying not to attract attention from the general public as I aim for where I assume the lock on the door to be.

But before I can pull the trigger, the door flies open, a cacophony of three people rolling out onto the sidewalk at my feet. I jump back, my breath hitching in my throat when I realize Dream is among the entanglement of limbs.

I grab her, simultaneously kicking the other two guys before she screams for me to stop.

Fuck, I think that’s Eddy, but I have no clue who the other guy is.

“Take Eddy,” Dream shouts, scrambling to her feet and shoving a scabby, underweight man into my arms.

I grab him, quickly realizing that he’s not going to be able to run on his own, so I hoist him onto my shoulder like a bag of rice. He’s light enough to run with him, and he seems happier with that than on his feet. He probably hasn’t been fed a proper meal since the Cartel snatched him up.
