Page 55 of Shae’s Bounty

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Volethos pushes himself up. “I’ll wait for you in our room then.”

As I watch him go, I can’t help but think that this can’t be the same male I met a handful of days ago. I all but drag myself from the bath, drying off with a fluffy towel that wicks the water away like a chamois and let myself back intoourroom, where Volethos is sitting on the edge of the bed. He’s holding a device that looks an awful lot like an iPhone, and the nightgown I’ve been wearing is carefully laid out across the bed beside him. My heart gives a little flutter.

Shit. I’m so screwed.

Volethos turns when he hears me, and one side of his mouth turns up in a crooked smile. He scoops the nightgown off the bed and holds it out to me.

“Thank you.” I look from him to the gown, before letting the towel drop before pulling it over my head.

There’s no point in being shy any longer. Not after baring myself to him in ways I never have with anyone else before. There’s no part of me he hasn’t seen or been inside of.

The gown has barely settled down around me when he hooks an arm around my waist and pulls me across his lap. Holding the comm out in front of us, he taps at it with his thumb. A moment later, light flickers up from the screen, and an image of Zell and Danielle float in midair.

“Shae?” Danielle squeals from the comm.

“OMG! It’s like you’re right in front of me!” I exclaim. “Holy shit, this is incredible!”

“Hold up, girl.” Danielle leans forward, squinting at us. “Why are you on his lap?”

A laugh bubbles up from deep in my chest. “A lot has happened since we’ve been here.”

Danielle folds her arms across her chest and nods. “I can see that. I can’t wait to hear all the dirty details.”

“I’ll tell you everything,” I promise her.

Beside her, Zell’s focus is on Volethos. “What have you learned?”

Volethos lets out a long sigh and then brings him up to speed with everything that’s happened. While he talks, he drags his fingers up and down my arm. It’s an unconscious motion, but it’s comforting. When he finishes, Zell lets out a low whistle through his teeth. Or maybe through his nose.

“Do you know when the Federation plans to move on Kurrahstka, then?” he asks.

Volethos shakes his head. “Not yet. I need to talk more with Raela. As soon as we know what’s going down and when, I’ll get in touch with you using this secure line.”

Zell gives us a single nod, and the comm cuts out.

“Hey! I didn’t get a chance to ask Danielle how they were getting along?”

Volethos tosses the comm aside and wraps both arms around me, pulling me in tight against his chest. “They looked like they were getting along fine,” he rumbles into my ear as he drags his nose against the side of my face.

Chills scatter across my skin, and I let myself relax into his embrace. I should be sated after the afternoon spent between him and Raela, but turns out I’m primed for more.

He wraps rough, callused fingers around my chin and pulls my head to the side so he can capture my lips. His tongue delves into my mouth to tangle with mine, and I moan. Turning in his lap, I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, deepening his kiss.

The hand gripping my chin slides down to the front of my throat, where he grips me there. His hold is firm, but not constricting. Who knew that choking would end up being one of my kinks? I’m learning all sorts of new things about myself since meeting this man.

Not a man. Alien!I remind myself. But I find it doesn’t matter anymore. He’s simply… mine.

“Volethos,” I murmur against his lips. “I need you.”

“So soon?” He chuckles darkly. “My greedy female.”

I turn so my knees are straddling his lap and my nightgown is riding up on my hips. “I need you inside me, Volethos,” I moan, rocking my core over his already hardening cock, where I can feel the edge of his piercing skating across my clit. “No more teasing. Please, I want you.”

His hand around my throat tightens, and the other slides down my ass where he presses me against him, forcing me to rock harder. “So, all those orgasms I’ve given you were just teases?”

“Yes,” I moan. God, the feeling of him between my legs. His hardness pressing where I want him, rubbing me so good, but it’s not enough. “No more barriers between us. I want your cock. I want to feel you come deep inside.”

His hand disappears from my neck, and then he’s gripping me around my waist. For a moment, I’m airborne, before my back hits the bed, and he’s caging me with his arms and legs.
