Page 10 of Sasha’s Bounties

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With my arm braced on the tiled wall, I grit my teeth and grunt when the waves vibrate across my already sensitive skin.Fuck!It’s all too easy to imagine the sensations are really from her small fingers fluttering across my shoulders, down my back, between my legs.

Another horse moan is torn from my throat as I slam my palm against the button to extend the sonic shower. No matter how hard I squeeze my eyelids shut I can still see her. She’s on her knees before me, one tiny hand wrapped around my cock and she’s pumping it from root to tip.

“That’s it female,” I growl.

“Do you want more?” she asks me, a smile teasing her plump lips.

“Yessssss,” I hiss.

Her eyes slide closed, and her mouth falls open. I watch, fascinated as she sets the spongy head of my cock on the flat of her tongue and then closes her hot little mouth around it.

My balls practically crawl up inside of my body, and I bellow as jet after jet of my come lashes her mouth. Cheeks. Breasts. Belly. I want to paint her with my seed. Not because she’s human, but because she’smine.

My chest is pumping with my labored breaths when I open my eyes. The cleanser has long since finished its cycle and I’m leaning heavily against the corner. Alone. Surrounded by the smell of sex.

With a disgusted snort, I start the cycle over and let the sonic pulses clean away my spend. When it finishes, I storm out of the cleanser and into the room I share with Vruk. Purposely keeping my eyes downcast, so I won’t be tempted to look at the closed door of the captain’s room at the end of the hall.

In our room I quickly pull on a clean pair of pants and shirt, then I let myself fall into my narrow bunk where I will sleep to take me. Not that it does. Hour’s pass. Finally, Vruk comes into our room and silently slips into his own bunk. It’s not until his breathing turns deep and even, that sleep finally claims me.



* * *

Iwake feeling rested for the first time in… gosh, ages!

Before I was abducted, I was getting ready for harvest, which meant early mornings and late nights. In fact, I can’t say when the last time I slept for more than six hours was.

Sitting up, I stretch my arms over my head and yawn until my jaw cracks.

I’m still wearing Vruk’s shirt, which I’m grateful for. Although a shower and something clean with more coverage would be awfully nice.

My eyes dart to the bathroom. If there is a toilet, there must be a shower, right?

Slipping out of the bed big enough to fit three Vruk’s (with room to spare), I make my way to the bathroom. After I use the toilet, I start looking around. It’s basically just a square tiled room with a sink and toilet. Except for two glowing tiles set into the wall. I examine them for a moment before reaching out and tapping the blue one. When nothing happens, I tap the red one next to it and jump a foot into the air with a yelp when the sink and toilet drop quickly into the floor. A moment later, a shower stall slides into their spot.

Okay, then.

It takes some more button pushing to figure out how the thing works, because size and shape are where the similarities to an earth shower stop. Not only is there a lot more hardware involved, but it doesn’t spit out water either. Instead, it emits soothing sonic pulses to get the job done. Quite efficiently, I’m surprised to admit, and in less than half the time of an earth shower. Leaving me squeaky clean with no need to air dry.

After a quick snoop through the built-in drawers, all of which are empty, I pull Vruk’s shirt back over my head. Back in my room, I do a quick tidy up of the bedding and then let myself out into the hallway. If I remember from yesterday, it was a straight shot to the kitchen, where I can already smell food being prepared. Except, to my disappointment, the kitchen is empty when I get there. No matter, I think I can figure out how the replicator-thingy works. At least, Vruk make it look super easy.

Ten minutes later I’m still standing in front of the machine. Apparently, I must not have paid as much attention as I thought when Vruk was showing me how it worked. Not only can I not read the alien script, but when I push something a picture menu lights up. But I still have no idea what any of the dishes are.

I let out a long sigh and turn around only to leap into the air with a shriek when my eyes land on Vruk sitting at the table in the corner. His thick brows are dropped low over his eerie steel-colored eyes and he’s staring at me.

“Goddamn it, you scared me,” I tell him with a nervous laugh, pressing a hand to my pounding heart.

Vruk doesn’t move. He just sits, shoulders hunched, eyes narrowed and locked on me. His expression is unreadable.

I force a smile, “I didn’t realize you were there, or I would…” I let my voice trail off. He isn’t acting anything like I remember from last night. “Um, I don’t suppose you could help me?”

The way he’s glaring, I half expect him to tell me to get bent. Instead, he slowly slides from the table and stalks toward me.

Shit! Why don’t I just shut up? Clearly, he is in no mood—

I find myself back peddling until my back hits the edge of the counter, pinned between his hulking body and the replicator. His intense gaze is locked on me, and he doesn’t stop until our bodies are practically touching. Then he leans in even further, forcing my back to bow until we’re nose to nose.
