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He stepped over to the window and leaned his forehead against the glass. "If I let them stay, different mistakes would have been made. By me or by…someone else." He shook his head. His breath misted the window, before evaporating again. His regret seemed genuine.

"I can't guarantee you would have been born if they'd stayed. I have no idea what would have happened. Summer Court magic doesn't allow us to see alternative presents. Or futures, for that matter."

"Do any court magics allow that?" The ability to see the future would be a useful skill to have.

"Only one and it's probably a myth.” He looked over at me, gazing under long lashes. “According to legend, there are two more courts."

Without thinking I said, "The Court of Shadows and the Court of Dreams." Should have I told him I’d heard of those? The words had left my lips. It was too late to take them back.

He didn't look surprised. "According to the legends, Fae in the Court Of Dreams could see the future. They saw their own demise, and instead of letting it take them, they disappeared. Some said they planned to be gone for a thousand years."

"And the Court of Shadows?"

He turned around and leaned his back against the window. "Just like the seasonal courts, they had their opposite. The Court of Shadows and the Court of Dreams. They say those in the shadows could see the past. Lives and civilisations that are now long gone. According to legend, both courts were bitter enemies. Shadows wanted to destroy the Court of Dreams. They say if they are found again, they will destroy each other and all of Jorius."

He stopped for a moment and looked contemplative, like he wasn't sure if he should tell me more.

Finally, he continued, "I believe both courts exist. There's been conflict and strange happenings all over Jorius in the last hundred years and…"

"Let me guess, it's almost been a thousand years," I said. The expression on his face gave me chills all the way down my spine. I wondered if he and Ryze had discussed any of this, or if both of them thought they were the only ones who believed in the missing courts.

Clearly, communication between the two of them needed some work.

"That's another reason I've been helping all those omegas. I think the Court of Dreams and the Court of Shadows are about to reawaken. I believe they're about to unleash hells and we need to be ready."

He barely finished speaking when light flashed outside the window. A moment later, a plume of smoke rose into the sky.



"Shit," Cavan muttered under his breath. "You'll have to excuse me."

I barely heard him. All I knew was a mass of confusion on the other end of three bonds. Chaos.

"Ryze," I whispered.

Cavan took a couple of steps towards the door, but stopped and whirled back.

"Ryze what?" he demanded. "He's not supposed to be in Garial." He drew his head back and stared at me. "How do you know?"

I blinked a couple of times.



Cavan closed his eyes for a moment. Opened them again and sighed. "Don't tell me. Mating bond? I should have guessed." He shook his head. "It changes nothing. Stay here. I'll deal with you later."

"No. If he's in trouble, I'm coming with you." I followed him to the door.

"The hells you are." He put out a large hand to stop me. "I told Ryze to leave Garial. If he didn't listen, and got himself into trouble it's his own fault. I will deal with him."

"Not without me," I said firmly. If I had to freeze him to the spot, I would. I'd deal with the consequences of that later. I wasn't backing down. We both knew it.

"Just as stubborn as your mother." He exhaled out his nose in frustration. "Don't make me regret this."

"I can't make any promises," I said.
