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I had no choice but to reach in and shatter the last piece of the block. For the longest while, it resisted. I growled in the back of my throat and pushed harder. Eventually the shard disintegrated along with the remaining fragments. A heartbeat later, nothing was left.

Zared writhed a couple more times before he finally fell still. His brow was covered with sweat, but his skin was frigid.

"Is he dead?" Hycanthe asked.

I didn't know when she and Jezalyn stepped back onto the road, but they were here now, leaning over us all. Hycanthe looked as worried as I'd ever seen her. Jezalyn clutched her arm.

"No," Ryze said. "But we won't know if he's all right until he's able to speak." He and Cavan both sat back.

I smoothed hair back off Zared's brow. "I shouldn't have come here. I shouldn't have touched him. That must have triggered something. Did Dalyth set booby-traps in people's minds in case things like this happened?"

"If she did, it's a good thing she's dead," Cavan growled. "I certainly didn't ask anything like that of her."

Ryze glanced at him, but turned away. "It's more likely to be the bond. You two being that close together, the bond fought against what Dalyth did. Zared's memories wanted to resurface. Chances are, this would have happened sooner or later anyway. If it happened when we weren't here, he'd be dead."

"He fought to remember me," Tavian said to lighten the mood.

I managed to give him a smile. "Of course he did. You're unforgettable."

"I am, aren't I?" He grinned.

Zared groaned and shifted slightly.

The next thing I knew, I was lying on my back in the dirt, Zared straddling my thighs. I was ready to fight back, but then his mouth slammed down onto mine.

"I think he remembers her," Tavian remarked with a laugh.

Zared's tongue thrust into my mouth. I managed to get my arms around him and opened my mouth so our tongues could tangle.

He tasted so good. The pain was gone from the bond, replaced by hunger. For me. For my body.

He slid his hands up my shirt and over my breasts. My nipples went hard under his palms.

"We can't just—" We were lying on the road in full view of everyone.

"Yes we can," he growled.

"We don't mind," Tavian said.

"I do," Hycanthe said. Because of course she would. I was tempted to fuck him then and there just for that.

"We've been out in the open long enough," Ryze said. "Your cock will have to wait a while longer."

Zared exhaled loudly and pressed his cheek to mine, his stubble scratching my skin. "Fine, but you all have a fuck ton of explaining to do." He rolled off me and helped me to my feet.

"You can start by telling me what the fuck he's doing here." Zared's hand was back on the hilt of his sword, his eyes on Cavan.

"We'll catch you up while we walk to Havenmoor," Ryze said. "Wait until you've heard all of that before you run Cavan through."

"Fine." Zared dropped his hand and took hold of mine. We walked side by side and I told him what he missed during the last few days. Including all the reasons why he probably shouldn't stab Cavan.



"So this is the shit you get up to when I'm not around," he said. "Lost Fae courts, melting stone and excessive wind. I can't believe I missed watching Dalyth become toast."

"One of the guards has her head in their bag if you want to look." I wrinkled my nose. "I don't recommend it. It's not pretty. Is Tyla all right?"
