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"I'm fine," I said quickly. "Too much Winter Court magic maybe." I gave a short, humourless laugh.

She looked at me like she didn't believe me, but wouldn't press the issue. Not in front of Dalyth. Maybe not in front of Hycanthe either.

I appreciated that. I needed time to think. My mother must have been an omega, if she had magic. If she could make corn grow like that, then chances were she wasn't from the Winter Court. Summer Court would be my guess. Dalyth had the combination right, but not the order. I didn't have a Fae father.

If I did, I'd look Fae from birth. At least, that was my understanding. The man I thought of as my father was actually my father. My mother must have given up her life in Jorius to be with him. She must have truly loved him. If anything was going to warm my omega heart, it was that.

"Where are those records of who we are?" I asked.

"There's a library across the corridor from the atrium," Jezalyn said.

"Yes there is," Dalyth said. She must have finished her lesson with Hycanthe and approached when I was lost in my memory. She was standing only a couple of metres away now. "You may use it with permission from Cavan or myself, but I don't have time right now. I have other duties to attend to. As does he," she added as though one of us was about to suggest the High Lord would bother to take the time to show us around the library.

"I'm sure you must be busy," I said. Probably doing something like sucking Cavan's cock. I kept that thought to myself. The visual image was bad enough.

"Very," she agreed. She gave us all a nod and swept out of the room with that High Lady of the Summer Court air of hers.

I suspected she wished that was exactly what she was.



The door clicked shut behind Dalyth, leaving the three of us alone. Jezalyn turned to me, a stern expression on her face.

"All right, what was going on with you? People don't usually go white when they watch plants grow."

"Plants don't usually grow that quickly," I pointed out. "I was overwhelmed."

She gave me a look of flat disbelief. "Bullshit. Don't make me order you to tell me."

"She's not your omega," Hycanthe said darkly, her ire clearly aimed at me. "She's not part of our pack."

"No, I'm not." I stood and moved away from them both, then turned and briefly told them about my memory.

"That's all. To the surprise of no one, I'm part Fae."

"How did you remember what happened before you went to the temple?" Jezalyn asked. "I don't remember anything."

"Neither do I." A frown was etched on Hycanthe’s brow. "I figured it was just me until they changed the memories of our other sisters."

Jezalyn nodded at her. "Right. We figured they must have changed ours before we went to the temple, so we couldn't remember our lives before."

I gaped. That made way more sense than it probably should. "I don't know. Maybe they left gaps. Or they changed the bits after this memory." I had no idea how old I was when I saw my mother make the corn grow, so it was possible.

"Neither of you remember anything before Ebonfalls?"

"Nothing," Jezalyn said. "Not one thing." She glanced down towards the floor uneasily.

I had a thought that made my blood run cold. "Do you think they do the same to our families? Make them forget us?" I'd waited all those years, hoping mine might drop in to visit, or send me a letter. Was the only reason they hadn't, because they didn't remember me at all?

Jezalyn’s gaze shot back up. She exchanged furious glances with her omega. Neither dismissed the suggestion. I wasn't expecting them to.

"Jezalyn, did you see what Dalyth did to change their memories?" I asked.

"I did, but it looked complicated," she said slowly. "Like several strands of magic were involved."

I'd have to try to figure out a way to have multiple strands going. It would be a lot easier if I could see what Jezalyn saw, but at least she could tell me if I was close. I doubted it was a skill Dalyth would teach me, or one Ryzecouldteach me.
