Page 6 of Ruin

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I led her across to the lounge area, drumming my fingers on the bartop to attract the swan shifter’s attention. He took my order while I looked down at Kiera.

“What’s your preferred poison?”

“A vodka and lime. Please.” She lifted herself onto the nearest bar stool, her royal-blue- and-black ribbon fluttering around her creamy thighs.

I sucked in a sharp breath, barely able to stop myself from touching her. The urge to make her orgasm where she sat before the entire club was too strong. I pushed back my need to bring her pleasure with the same determination I’d used to become one of the country’s top surgeons.

“Would you mind collecting our drinks?” I murmured in her ear, flicking my tongue over the delicate curved shell. Her lips parted on a sinful, desperate little sound.So fucking perfect.I memorized her moan as I handed over my card, my red cufflinks glittering beneath the club’s strobe lights. “I’ll be back in a moment.”

She nodded, her round cheeks flushed as I headed toward the back of the club and the men’s room.

Kiera Blythewood was absolutely perfect for my needs in every way imaginable. And she had no idea what she’d signed up for with that tiny little nod. I was keen to initiate her, but I wasn’t ready to show my hand. Not yet. The pleasure of the hunt, in finding and testing the perfect girl, came before I disclosed all. That was the game I played. The long game.

And she wassoperfect.

Chapter Three


Damon Blake gave me head spins. His cheeky, sexy nature couldn’t be more different from when I met him in the office. Perhaps this was his natural habitat where he opted to cut loose from the harsh nature of his daily work.

Or maybe the office was his usual, and this was some other sort of turn about.

Either way I couldn’t work out whether or not I preferred the attention of the austere, brooding man who remained behind the barrier of his desk, or the more relaxed version I met tonight.

Damon Blake certainly was a coin with two sides.

“You look lovely.” His voice jerked me back from where I’d disappeared into the bottom of my lime and vodka. Sharp and sweet citrus notes mingled in my mouth over the vodka’s hard bite. It was heaven, the best of both worlds. A girl had to enjoy a drink, right? Pleasure and pain, all wrapped in one.

What are you looking for that you haven’t told me, Kiera?

I bit my lip, mulling on his earlier words. While I answered every question he threw my way, I also hadn’t volunteered anything too incriminating. Not yet. Tonight would be a tell for us both. I snapped the plastic wristband in response, not answering his question.

Turning over the possibilities in my mind, I sucked down the last drops of vodka and attempted not to be too hyperaware of the enormous presence of the man behind me.

“Thank you.” I closed my eyes and stuck my straw in my mouth before anything else stupid fell out. “Are you having anything?” I snapped the wrist bracelet again. The sting on the underside of the pale skin bit nicely to complement the drink, an easy reminder I was alive.

Pain versus pleasure.

It wasn’t something that we covered in our brief talk. Nothing else made me feel so alive as the harsh reminder that nothing was permanent. Everything was tenuous, despite our strengths and magic.

That we were mortal.

My skin darkened, tiny white spots polka dotting my arms as my cat surfaced. Fur prickled along my spine at the exposed back of my dress. A komodo dragon and a civet cat. An odd combination and mortal enemies. I wondered how our time together would end, if it would be short, if I would remain his prey.

Pushing her back, I urged my body for control over my cat. She snarled inside me in response to not getting her way. As usual, I ignored her. We played along rooftops most nights, but tonight was forme.Refusing to be drawn into my usual morbid thoughts, I snapped the bracelet against my pinked skin again. And again.

Twang, twang, twang.

“Stop that.” Damon’s voice held an incontrovertible command that froze me where I sat, the bracelet half pulled out from my wrist. The slippery plastic strands popped over my nail tip, one by one, or maybe I drew my finger back—just to see what he would do.

No, Sir.But I didn’t say it. I couldn’t.

“You don’t want to find out what happens if you push me.” His breath kissed the shell of my ear, leaving me shivering on my barstool.

My world narrowed to just him, leaving me with a sense of echoing tunnel vision though the crowds flowed about the packed dance floor. Apparently, Fray had a regular floating population of hundreds.

Glamorous shifters humped and bumped on the dance floor, some transformed, others remaining in their skin for the time being. On the stage a male and a female slave were tied face to face, their lips pressed together in an intimate show while a latex-clad catwoman worked her gloved fingers in both their assholes as she pressed tender kisses to their bare skin. The couple’s cries into each other’s mouths filled the club over the chat and music, exposing a conversation that felt as though it should be reserved for two alone.
