Page 189 of Cruel Paradise

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“If you didn’t insist on talking about Ms. Carson, I wouldn’t have to cut you off.”

“This isimportant!”

“Youwere the one who brought me the news, remember?” I growl. “You were the one who shoved those pictures in my face and told me that Emma and Remmy were working together.”

Kirill bristles. “Meaning what—this is a ‘kill the messenger’ kind of situation?”

“Whatever you have to say about Emma is immaterial to me now. So if you want to keep talking about her—” I jab a finger toward the door. “—you can get the fuck out and find someone who cares.”

He has the nerve to open his mouth again. Thankfully, my phone starts to ring. I pick it up pointedly and answer the call without checking who it is.

“Hiya, buddy. How’re you doing?”

Jesus Christ. I can’t catch a fucking break anymore.

“What do you want, Adrik?” I ask impatiently.

Kirill’s eyebrows leap up on his forehead as he listens.

“Oh, just wanted to see how you were doing. Can’t imagine Alcazar is doing all that well, considering all the bodies it’s turned up lately.”

“Ah, you called to gloat.”

“Not at all! I called to sympathize. Personally, I think you should capitalize on your notoriety. Maybe change the name from Alcazar to The Grim Reaper? This game is all about marketing after all.”

“It was simply a case of overindulgence. It’s happened before. The incident will be forgotten soon enough.”

“Overindulgence, huh? That is theperfectbranding for the magic drug you’re pushing. Tell me: how long do you think it’ll be until the press gets wind of the fact that five dead bodies turned up the same night that you decided to launch Venera?”

I grit my teeth. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have no connection to Venera and, if I did, I would definitely take the credit.”

Adrik chuckles darkly. “Is that how you managed to seduce that pretty little secretary of yours? Slipped her some Venera at the water cooler?”

If only he were standing in front of me now. Nothing could stop me from punching the smirk off that weaselly little cunt.

“If you’re done—”

“Why was she at the hospital today? You two had a little fight, did ya? You know what they say: you can’t have it all.”

I freeze. That’s why he’s calling. He’s not just trying to needle me.He’s trying to let me know that he’s got eyes on me.

“Adrik, a little word of advice: get your nose out of my fucking business and mind your own. Maybe then you’ll be able to make at leastoneof your ventures successful.”

I hang up without waiting for his reply. My eyes are focused out of the window, but I’m not seeing anything there. “That fucker is watching Emma.”

Kirill pulls out his phone immediately. “According to the report I got earlier, the doctor advised that she stay at the hospital overnight for observation. She should still be there…” He puts the phone to his ear. “Maksim? You at the hospital… Yeah… I need you to…”

I turn back to the window while Kirill coordinates with the security team on Emma’s tail.

How could I have been so stupid?I brought Emma out into the public sphere with me. I exposed her to the whole damn world. Which means I’m the one who made her a target. I may be done with her, but Adrik doesn’t know that and, even if I told him, he would never believe me.

I’m still pissed at her but not enough to justify feeding her to the dogs. Definitely not enough to risk those kids in the process.

“…what?What the fuck do you mean… Where… When?Damn it, Maks! Okay. Fucking hurry. Hell’s Kitchen.” Kirill cuts the line and swipes a hand over his hair. “They can’t find her.”

“I thought you said she was supposed to stay overnight for observation.”

What do they need to observe? What happened?I hate that I don’t know. I hate that I want to know. I hate everything about this situation.
