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MF swallowed hard. “I need time to think, Stewart.”


She shook her head from side to side. “Sorry. I meant Maxton.”

“Who is Stewart?”

“The first selfish bastard who turned me and left. Guess I confused you with him for a second in my head.” She drew a breath. “I’ll get you a ride to Damien’s.”

“You want me to leave? But what about putting my pen—”

“No. No sex. And I need time to think things through.”

“Do not wait too long, MF. I only have until the end of the day.”

“What are you talking about?” MF frowned.

He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. “Go ahead. Look.”

She took it and unfolded the paper. On it was a list of names written in pink crayon. Her name was at the top. “What is this?”

“I am not at liberty to say, but you are a smart woman. Figure it out.”

She didn’t know Cimil’s handwriting, but who else would write a list in crayon and give it to a vampire? “It’s Cimil’s kill list.”

He shook his head no.

Not a kill list.“Why else would she give you a list? It can’t be another one of her orgies. Her kids are on…that…list.” MF’s mouth dropped. “It’s a turn list, isn’t it?” So that was why he’d had a change of heart about turning her.

Anger and betrayal spiked through her. “Why, Maxton? Why pretend you liked me? Why make me think I was special? If all you wanted was to turn me so you get whatever Cimil’s offered you, you could’ve just been honest.” MF was beyond hurt.

“I did not look at the list until we were at the gross place. I swear it, MF.”

Deceitful, lying, manipulative vampire!She pointed at the door. “Get out. Just get out.”

“But, MF, I—”

“Whatever she’s offering you, you’re not getting it with my help. Go back to your jungle, Maxton. Go back to your lonely cave.” She opened her door. “Oh look. It’s nice and sunny out.”Good. Let him suffer in the heat.“You can wait out there for your taxi.”

Maxton walked out, head raised high, and she slammed the door behind him.

I’m so sick of this bullshit!Cimil had her hands in all the pies.

First she’d told MF that her destiny was being a vampire, and she had to work with Damien to get her life back on track. Then MF had found out there was only one vampire left in the world.And he’s a smokin’ hot turd! With a penchant for killing innocent people!Then she fell for him anyway, misreading all the signs like a chump!

I felt something. I honestly did.But he couldn’t be her mate. He wasn’t into her. The only reason he was being nice was to check her name off Cimil’s list.

MF’s stomach churned. “Why did I eat all the crap?”

Damien was heading out the door to go see Cimil when Maxton walked in, looking wilted.

“What happened to you?” Damien asked.

“I need blood. The damned ride here nearly killed me.” Maxton went to Damien’s kitchen and looked out the back door. “Do you have any squirrels or rabbits here?”

Damien followed him. “No. I do not. But the UPS guy generally shows up around this time. Are you proficient at erasing memories?”

Maxton turned around, flustered. “She kicked me out. Can you believe it? I offered to give the damned woman what she wanted, and she kicked me out. I then stepped in a puddle of urine. This entire cesspool of LA is covered in human piss!”
